Terandria Starsong

Country: United States

Character Created: 2015/03/29

Corp/Alliance: 0.0 Massive Dynamic/Test Alliance Please Ignore

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Media Appearances

EVE_NT - Written Interview

Ballot Statement

Looking to improve industry for all sec statuses.

My primary stand is the improvement of industry across New Eden, from PI to mining. Secondary is the addition of new battleship and battlecruiser hulls. I live in NS, but want to represent all sec statuses.

Campaign Post

Hey there folks. I'd like to officially announce running for CSM XII. I'm an industrialist at heart, and have experience in both Nullsec and Highsec. Currently a director in 0.0 Massive Dynamics in TEST Alliance.

I have played EVE for just under 2 years. I started in Highsec, but soon found my calling in Nullsec. First out in Tenerifis/Immensia, then out in Drone space renting with a small group of like minded folks. From there I ended up with 0.0 Massive Dynamics in Fountain, being evicted there we moved to Vale of the Silent with TEST. And now we are headed south. I run multiple toons, almost entirely focused on mining, building, and PI.

I ran last year for CSM XI, on an industry platform. I'm doing the same this year. Industry, particularly mining is currently in a good place, though it could use some tweaks in a couple areas. However, my primary focus this year is going to be on Planetary Interaction, with a secondary of an additional types of battleships and/or battlecruisers.

Planetary interaction, well its a click fest. I feel like it could definitely be better. The ability to save "setups" would be amazing, or to route multiple factories at once. Additionally the planets could use a balance pass, so many planets are crap and then so many are great, lets try to balance it out a bit. The UI could definitely use some improvement as well. All in all, honestly the entire PI system could use an overhaul, its needed and has been needed for some time now.

Now as far as a new type of battleship, I'm thinking a T3 battleship. In the last year we have seen a huge number of frigates added, along with t3d's. but yet nothing above that for subcaps. Battleships and battlecruisers have the fewest choices available. Why not add to that? A multirole Tech 3 battleship could be amazing, perhaps you want a logistics battleship, or perhaps a battleship with extreme long range (200k) but sacrificing tank, or even a brick, 300k EHP but sacrificing damage. Or perhaps add another choice to miners, with a mining subsystem. and yes I know that we have the porpoise and orca for battlecruiser/battleship equivalent, but those are still primarily boosters with the ability to mine, that is still less then that of an exhumer. But perhaps a mining battleship-sized ship that does 10-15% higher yield then a Hulk. Who knows, honestly its a idea in progress. But I do believe that battle cruisers and battleships could use a little fleshing out on the tech tree.

At the end of the day, Im not looking to only look out for the interests of any particular "sec" status group, I want to represent industrialists all over space, from HS, LS, NS, and WH. After all, we are all doing the same activities, the only difference is where and with whom.

Thank you for reading, and I hope to have your vote when the time comes.
