
Corp/Alliance: Playboy Enterprises/Dark Taboo

Country: USA

Website: PsychoBitch for CSM

Eve Who Link

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Ballot Statement

If you want your vote to count just once in EVE vote for PsychoBitch.

If you are thinking of voting for someone who has been in the CSM before

- history tells us you have wasted your vote on F A I L

Don't be a failure, be a hero. Vote for PsychoBitch now!

Make your one vote count finally, vote for PsychoBitch!

Campaign Song

Campaign Post


Read the complete Platform here:

If you want your vote to count just once in EVE vote for PsychoBitch.

If you are thinking of voting for someone who has been in the CSM before

- history tells us you have wasted your vote on F A I L

Don't be a failure, be a hero. Vote for PsychoBitch now!

Sick of CCP devs and their hair-brained, half-baked, blue-balled ideas?

Sick of self-important fat puds and frail half-elves on the CSM?

Sick of things in eve that should have been fixed A G E S ago not being fixed and new errors being introduced daily?

Make your one vote count finally, vote for PsychoBitch!

Campaign Song

If you don't drink whiskey - VOTE FOR SOMEONE ELSE

If you don't like having sex with women - VOTE FOR SOMEONE ELSE

If you don't live life on your own terms - VOTE FOR SOMEONE ELSE

Here are just a few ideas-

Bookmark expiry for WH'ers

See CPU and POWER usage on speed dial

Crews - you carry in your hold for bonus - and get better the longer you hold them!

Damage on ship skins - Hell Homeworld did this 10 years ago.

Ship salvage tug boat - Some hulls like cap ships should be salvaged and made whole again.

Taunt gif from your character

Right click show info on an item and "search in assets" for item

AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!