Jurius Doctor

Character Created: 2013-06-06

Country: Canada

Corp/Alliance: Iron Guard/Iron Armada

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

YouTube: Jurius Doctor


I am a proud and vocal citizen of New Eden. I started playing EVE in earnest six years ago, and quickly gravitated to teaching, leading newbro fleets, and creating memorable events for new players with EVE University.

Since then I have become a YouTuber, taking the teaching of new players to a higher level by creating instructional videos with high production value in a concise, easy-to-follow format. Many of you will have seen my videos, or referred them to your friends or corpmates. I also write for Imperium News, and frequently appear on Talking In Stations, The Open Comms Show, and the Mindclash Podcast.

I am not 'the Nullsec ticket', nor am I anyone else's ticket. I am here to run on behalf of the community, to hold the CSM and CCP to their mandate to work together to make the game better for all players. We have a player retention problem; EVE's retention is not CCP's problem alone. We have to be active participants, and there is a lot we can be doing to grow this game.

Hello everyone,

I am a proud and vocal citizen of New Eden, and I am running for all of New Eden; for the community. It is this community which has kept me in the game and I’ve reached a point in my life where the best way I see for me to expand my ability to give back to this community is to join the Council of Stellar Management.

I started playing EVE in earnest almost six years ago, and quickly gravitated to teaching, leading newbro fleets, and creating memorable events for new players with EVE University. Since then I have become a YouTuber, taking the teaching of new players to a higher level by creating instructional videos with high production value in a concise, easy-to-follow format. Many of you will have seen my videos, or referred them to your friends and corpmates.

I also write for Imperium News, and frequently appear on Talking in Stations, The Open Comms Show, and the Mindclash Podcast. I have worked with Devs on developing ideas that help the community to grow, by making it easier for new players to pick up the game. I also report on the internal happenings of our large political bodies, though I often feel they receive too much attention while important parts of our community’s development go overlooked.

I am not ‘the NullSec ticket’, nor am I anyone else’s ticket. I am not backed by any of the big blocs. I am not ‘a safe bet’. I am here to run on behalf of the community to hold CCP and the Community to task. EVE’s retention is not CCP’s problem, it is ours; the CSM exists to counsel CCP on what they need to give us to make that job easier. I’m here to do that.

There are unexplored and novel ways to grow our community, and there are elements of game balance, interface, education, and game play which can be improved upon to improve the experience of all players. I want to be your voice on the CSM. Not your corporation’s, and not your leader’s; yours. I hold that I will be personally accountable to every request I receive, and I will gladly raise any good ideas brought to me by players to the CSM for their consideration, or work with you to improve how you can deliver these ideas yourself so that CCP will be more receptive.

Whatever you do, vote. And please, please use all of your votes. The elections of the Council of stellar Management work on a single-transferable-vote system. What this means is that, if the candidate you want to succeed doesn’t receive enough votes, their votes go to the next most populous candidate, and so on, until all of the seats are filled. So please, vote with your mind and your heart - vote for people you think will help to drive this game and this community forward.

I won’t tell you who to vote for, but I will say that I am voting to re-elect CSM Steve Ronuken, as he has done more for this game through his development of out of game tools and through his participation in CSM than very few others can claim to. I respect the hell out of him, and he always has my vote; for as long as he chooses to run.

Thank you.
