Jenshae Chiroptera

Corp/Alliance: Volition Cult/The Volition Cult

Country: United Kingdom

Blog: EVE Online Ideas Suggestions and Rants

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Ballot Statement

As a programmer, I tend to look at the game in terms of how the mechanics can be improved.

I play a game called Go aka weiqi, where the best humans are still better than the best computers. In it you pit your intelligence and psyche against another person.

I do not care about fame the fame of being a name in a video game.

All I desire is helping to bring about an even better game for us all to play.

Campaign Post

Simply put, two over riding goals:

  • More good fights and less easy kills
  • Proportional representation on the CSM

Good fights / easy kills

The mechanics favour easy kills. It is not an even game.

People brag about their easy kills but they are hollow.

For example; it can take a sabre 1.7 seconds to get across 16 AU in warp. It takes 20 seconds for a miner to click on a location and get into warp. If the pilots both react at the same speed to each other, there is literally no hope for the miner.

What other ways can we have more good fights or balance up the game?

- Orca and Rorqual mini-bubble-POS shields

- Absorb modules

- Auto D-scan (slower than manually clicking but saves your mouse and fingers, worm hole love)

- Further consolidate null sec

- Anti-AFK cloaking SOV structure

- Force Recons become cloaky hunters.

- Bounties work on a courier contract like system.

So on and so forth.

The argument is, "No profession should be risk free."

Pirating can be exactly that! Anonymous alternative pilot, empty pod, cheap destroyers that you can throw away all day long.

- No revenge.

- No consequences.

- No real cost incured.

- No real skill gain and time penalty.

Pirating is the real care bear profession.

= Miners being ganked, what to do right now.

CSM representation

- One positive vote

- One negative vote

- Instead of both an abstain option.

EVE is essentially a high sec game. We might not like that but 71% of active pilots are there, you can argue about bots and alts but they exist because of high sec, there is where CCP's money is.

Yet, null sec space has the majority of CSM seats!

The problem is the voting power of the null blocs. They are organised and quite often blindly vote for their representative because they want to put their group and interest forward. It is instinctive and human nature.

Negative votes would mean that high sec and low sec could vote against particular candidates. Even null sec would have sway against other candidates. Yes, it is sad that we would have to vote against someone (it would only ever show 0 votes if there are more negative than positive) but so far, I see it as the only way that we can level the playing field. Hopefully, we can avoid another Mittani.

Empowering the masses to reduces the groups power would make it easier for them to uplift their candidates.

It will require that CCP tells everyone. "MoTD"s in every local chat, maybe a message box like the "Server is going down" when they log on and something on the launcher.

It is possible that it might only be used for abuse but we can't really know until we try it.

Abstaining would allow CCP to see how many people are aware of the system but have no confidence in it or the direction it is taking.


As for how I handle things, I do try to add a bit of humour to my stance. Probably fail a lot and if people are laughing it is probably at me but hey ... laugher is still good for us all.

I need you.

If you agree with what I am saying, I need you to spread this, to friends, to local, check kill boards for mining and industrial corps that have had a lot of losses and contact them.

Null Sec, tell your friends how I want to push for fixes to the zerg blobs, to make them more tactical and get rid of the AFK cloakers.

Worm holes, the Recon D-scan is horrid, the frigate holes are killing off small corps and alliances, I spent a year in one, I remember the pain.

Low Sec, I need to talk to more of you guys, that is alien space to me, so empty, so full of random free for alls.

I am not standing as a Volition Cult member. I am standing as an EVE player.