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Campaign Post

While Sion Kumitomo is running again for a CSM position, Mynnna, the second member that Goonswarm elected, has decided to stand down after a great couple of years. Through the rigorously democratic constitutional processes of Goonswarm (a “One Man, One Vote” structure where the man who has the vote is The Mittani), I have been asked to stand for the CSM.

In Eve, it is notorious that many senior leaders log into the actual game itself less and less as the years go by, choosing to play Jabber Online. That is not the case for me: I play Eve very regularly, both in large fleets and small gangs, and what keeps me tied to Eve are the roams with my corp, Bat Country, many of which I FC. Badly FC. I’ve also experienced a range of Eve playstyles: I’ve lived in wormholes, both solo and as part of a group; Bat Country regularly deploys as a corp to lowsec for weeks at a time in order to PvP and to lose titans; and when I started the corp we lived as an empire-space wardeccing group of newbies getting very excited at being paid ransoms of a hundred million ISK to leave people alone.

In addition, many people know of my corp, Bat Country, as the creators of Miniluv and the home of Warr Bakini. This should give you a good idea of my views on highsec, suicide ganking and more.

On the political side of Eve, I have been head of the Goonfleet Intelligence Agency for almost half a decade, as well as serving as chief diplomat for Goonswarm in the year after we accidentally slightly lost Delve due to being differently good at Eve. That period – one of scrambling and recovery and of being the underdog – still stands out for me as some of the best fun I have had in Eve and has shaped my attitudes to the game, to its problems, and to how CCP can shape the game universe to help the players to solve those problems.

I’m terrifyingly aware that the CSM is a great deal of work: last year, I declined the chance to stand as I was not in a position to commit sufficient time and effort to the role of CSM to justify my inclusion. This year is different, and I am very keen to help CCP to continue the exciting and radical changes that they have revealed in recent months, whilst hopefully encouraging them to throw in a little more carrot amidst the gleeful stickery that has been going on.

For those who are interested in my vision for Eve, I wrote a short series of fairly controversial blog posts in the summer in which I called for the system to favour smaller groups and a more fractured, Balkanised Eve Online: http://www.endie.net/wordpress/2014/07/the-most-unpopular-statement-in-todays-eve/http://www.endie.net/wordpress/2014/07/192/ and http://www.endie.net/wordpress/2014/07/patchwork-eve-money-making/

As many in the CFC, on Reddit, on the late unlamented Kugu and even on the Test forums (R.I.P. me) know, I love to post and to communicate, and have never confined that to inflicting myself merely on Goons or Bat Country. I launched The Mittani dot com and have had several articles published by en24 – a fairly rare double – so I hope I bring that aspect of accessibility and openness to my candidature.

Contact info:

Blog: http://www.endie.net/

Twitter: @EndiePosts

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/EndiePosts/

Note: I don’t own the character “Endie” (to my great sorrow) so don’t evemail me on that!