Quince Rin

Country: United States

Character Created: 2016/06/16

Corp/Alliance: State Protectorate/Caldari State

Reddit: Quince_Rin

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Ballot Statement

Let’s Bring Faction Warfare Into the Modern Era.

I am running as a candidate for CSM XII on the platform of Faction Warfare. With the Ascension release last November the hopes were that all of our new Alpha brothers and sisters would come to their respective Militias. We really haven’t seen this happen, and I may have the reason why.

Faction Warfare as we know it is far behind in its mechanics and gameplay compared with the rest of EVE Online. Faction Warfare was added to the game in the Empyrean Age release in 2008 and it hasn’t had too many major updates since then. The last update we’ve seen was in the Kronos release of 2014. Even with that release we didn’t see a lot of enhancements.

It has been said many times and many ways that we need to fix all of the issues in the system. I’ve heard we need a way to stop the LP farming epidemic. I’ve seen this in action. I’d like to see some new sites and mechanics added to enhance the quality of life for Faction Warfare players.

For our new Alpha brothers and sisters, I’d like to see the Inception concept extended into pushing (lightly) new players into Factional Warfare. To do this, the storylines need to be updated, the UI needs small changes and the Faction pirate AI’s need to be improved.

If you elect me for CSM XII I will bring YOUR thoughts, ideas and concerns to CCP. I will be YOUR voice on the committee.

Campaign Post


I'm putting my name in for CSM 12 on the Faction Warfare platform.

I want to see a harder stance on LP farming and an emphasis on building communities.

I'd like to hear your thoughts because after all I will be the person who brings YOUR thoughts, concerns and ideas to the table with CCP.
