Jonn Duune

Country: Canada

Character Created: 2009/11/26

Corp/Alliance: Biomass Party

Reddit: john_dune

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Statecraft CSM Debates - Day 2, Session 3

Talking in Stations - Soundcloud - YouTube

Ballot Statement

Long time Wormhole PVP enthusiast. Corp Leader, Logi Nut, My goal is to bring a voice to the people of EVE, and to do what I can to improve this game.

CEO of Biomass Party.

Been living in wormhole space since 2010. Experienced all aspects of wormhole living (from c2 to c6 space), done my fair share of PVP, PVE, and such.

I'm here to shake things up and hopefully put eve on the path to do great things. I have a whole campaign platform which you can read on the CSM section of the forums that goes into great details about what I'm interested in.

Most importantly, I want to hear from you what you want eve to do in the future. This game is more than just a game, it's a community, and all our voices need to be heard in order to make the most of what we have.

I bring a blunt, forward attitude with me, in order to drive the voices forward.

Feel free to join me to ask questions on my CSM discord server @

So tell me EVE, what do you want?

Campaign Post

Good day fellow capsuleers.

So, breaking this down into a couple sections, an about me, about my eve time, my goals, and my plan. Here we go.

1) About me:

30 year old IT guy, young family man, dedicated gamer, eve guy, all that usual stuff that doesn't set me any different from most other eve players. I have a strong background in advocacy and been involved with local/provincial/federal politics before, so I'm well aware of the "joys" of campaigning, advocacy and generally getting myself well out there.

I have been involved in enough red tape and beaurocracy to crush most people, and I want to do my best to cut through that, provide great feedback, listen to the community, and plan for the next year of eve.

2) My eve time:

For a large majority of my eve time, I have been an apostle of Bob. I have lived in many small/medium sized WH groups, with varying reputations, from unknown, to laughed at, to respected, to simply just around. I have been a director or better for the better part of my last 5 years in eve. I have dealt with the struggles of things such as POS mechanics, wormhole living, and everything else one has to do to survive in j-space, and this is where my expertise comes from, and where I think I can make a big difference to the future of eve.

3) My goals:

My primary focus on eve will be player interaction with the CSM/devs and PVP. These things are what I want to bring my best efforts to in the game. I want to improve small/mid gang PVP experience, as well as bring forward those ideas that get lost in the shuffle of all the voices in eve.

4) My plan:

Regarding CSM communications:

I plan to have 6 bi-monthly open house discussions regarding various aspects of eve (specically, HS, LS, Null, WH, PVE, and industry) which will have round table discussions open to all participants that we can record, and then deliver to the dev team to help them improve the game for all of us.

On top of this, I will have an in game channel available for anyone to join, which all members of the CSM will be moderators for, which will allow for direct communications with the CSM. After all, we are the representatives of the players of eve, so we should be listening to everyone who has a good opinion.

On top of each of those round table discussions, each will have a 10-15 minute segment for the "little things" quick suggestions that will make eve infinitely better, that could be as simple as just adjusting a colour.

Regarding Wormhole living:

Myself, and several other CEOs/directors of some fairly large and well established WH entities are in the process of creating a day 1 help channel for the Wormhole experience. Where we can answer questions, provide feedback, teach, and improve people's ability to play in WH space. This, in combination with developing a single source wiki by wormholers for wormholers to take away a bit of the mystery and provide knowledge to players who may not have been blessed with knowing a large wormhole entity.

Direct Game Improvements:

I have many concrete things I want to push for wormhole space to help improve the game for everyone involved.

a) Give c6s a 2nd static. The other even class WHs all currently have 2 statics, which i think should be implemented to make them a tastier place to live in. I think EVERY c6 should recieve a null sec static, with the ability to have capital class ships (not supers or titans), and upto a 5 bil total mass limit on them.

b) I want to change how cyno inhibitors work. I want them to be much cheaper than they are. They are currently on the market for 60 million isk a pop. They take 2 minutes to anchor and have a 1 hour long lifespan. I propose, that they get a reduction to a 20s activation timer, and a lifespan reduction of 15 minutes, on top of that, they should be manufacturable with perfect skills for approximately 4.5 million isk, which should make their market price in the 5-6 million isk range. This will encourage groups (not just wormholers, but other null sec groups fighting as well) to drop them, and help make straight cynoing in a bit less effective in the long run.

c) I want to implement Fleet bookmarks. What I would suggest is 50 bookmark slots to be created when a fleet is created, and the moment the fleet despawns, so do all the bookmarks, this allows for fleets of people who aren't necessarily in the same corp to be able to work together off bookmarks and assests as needed, without having the fuss of providing warp ins and/or creating/contracting bookmarks around.

d) I want to bring API checking into the game. It is such an essential part of how the game works already we should be able to verify APIs in game without having to leave the immersion of the game to do director level duties.

Well, that's my starting talking points, to any of the EVE press groups who would be interested in interviewing me, please contact me, and we'll arrange something. Also for those people who know me in WH space, I am doing this because I legitimately believe that we need more CSM representation for wormhole space. Noobman has in my mind been the best CSM representative in recent memory, and I think i would be able to work with him, and as hard as him in order to best bring about changes to the game, not just for WH space, but for everyone.

For those who would like to talk to me, please join the channel Interview-JonnDuune