Nashh Kadavr

Twitter: @Nashh_Kadavr

Eve Online Forum Posts

Campaign Post

CSM 11 - Nashh Kadavr

There are many candidates already running with the intention of defending or fighting game mechanics, and they are very well qualified to do so. While I have opinions on these matters, I want to concentrate more on other aspects of our community. I hope to leverage my experience in live events which have given me the ability to network with many people inside EVE and acquire networks outside of it.

The reason I am running is after being inspired by Bam Stroker’s platform for CSM X. His commitment to the EVE community is something that no other candidate mentioned or strived to represent. With Bam’s blessing and support I will be running in his stead, picking up the banner for the community aspects you will not find in other manifestos.

Through my real life job as a manager I am experienced in managing teams and projects from start to finish, I apply these skills to everything I do in EVE as organiser of #EVE_NT, #EVE_NT Collides and as CEO of the Bastard Alliance. I am a confident public speaker and through the various projects I run in EVE I have dealt and worked with CCP closely. I want to do this more and develop a range of ideas I have in order to create opportunities for EVE players and bring along my expertise to help those who want to create projects close to my own heart.

Nashh is likely going to be number one on my ballot for CSM11.

-Jayne Fillon - CSM

'Nashh has done awesome things in the space of player gatherings and EVE_NT is one of the most respected events in the world. His community focus is needed on the CSM and his expertise with tournaments and evesports makes him an even more valuable commodity.

If I was on your ballot for CSMX, Nashh should be on your ballot for CSMXI. He’ll be #1 on mine.'

-Bam Stroker -CSM Candidate, EVEbet, EVE Down Under

‘When it comes to internet spaceships Nashh Kadavr is one of the most enthusiastic people I have had the luck to meet. His passion for creating content, both in-game and out, is second to none. As a CSM delegate I feel confident that his enthusiasm would only translate to making EVE online a better game for us all.’’

-Oreamnos Amric - CEO Illusion of Solitude Alliance

‘I support Nashh because I believe he could really help out CCP in regards to player events, player support and communication.’

-Bobmon - EN24

Nashh is one of the most hard working and dedicated people I've ever met, in game or out.

The blood, sweat and tears he puts into organising great things such as #EVE_NT and the #EVE_NT Collides project is unparalleled. He does these things because he genuinely loves the game and the community.

I personally have witnessed the lengths Nashh goes to to ensure that he looks after the people who come to his events, his corpmates and his friends. As a CSM representative I know Nashh will work just as hard. In doing so he'll easily be the hardest working member of the council.

A vote for Nashh is a vote to support the future of Eve e-sports and player run live events. Things which benefit the community to an almost unquantifiable degree.

-Ithica Hawk - Director BSTRD Alliance

EVE - Out of game Community

With out-of-game-gatherings gaining popularity, there needs to be a representative to help CCP make these type of meetings more visible, easier to organize and run.

As the owner and organiser of #EVE_NT Nottingham, I feel i am very well equipped through personal experience to represent those that need help in this area and to push CCP about the things they can do to help us all along.

Player organised events are very important for EVE lovers; we are often praised for the unique nature of our community and meeting your fellow corp members or unknown other capsuleers helps us keep those bonds strong. We all like to talk spaceships, but rarely find ourselves in a situation with family or friends where you can explain in-game experiences, EVE meets provide these opportunities. A chance to spend time (and drink beer) with like-minded individuals or a good excuse to finally meet the guys you talk to most, in real life.

Over the last 2 years big steps have been taken in terms of CCP participation and sponsorship for player gatherings and their commitment is clear. However, there is plenty of room for improvement. I will keep pushing CCP on this front and help them give organizers the support they need and deserve, for the greater good of the community as a whole.

As CSM I will bring my expertise in this area and enable other players around the world to create this experience themselves. EVE itself is more than a game, it’s a tight-knit community with players all over the world creating bonds with each other and working to further their goals no matter where in space it is. Having an avenue where these players can meet their entire corporation is truly heartwarming. I want to push more for these events and help those who have the ideas to realize them, but aren’t quite sure where to start.

This was my first player event, and I had a really good time guys. Look forward to hopefully seeing you all again soon!

-CCP Bosun

We were seriously impressed with the organization of the event and the hard work put in by all the volunteers to helped make it happen.

-CCP Guard

'Excellent candidate and a real nice, genuine person who is nothing but a pleasure to work with.

I love what Nashh is doing for this community, and hope he gets the chance to do more via CSM, where I'm certain he'll do as great a job in representing players as he has done in entertaining us with #EVE_NT.'

-Niraia - EOH Poker


-Kane Rizzel - EVE Hero

EVE - E-Sports

There have been many worries (and justly so) about the future commitment from CCP to EVEsports after losing the NEO tournament and the diminished format of the Alliance Tournament. I understand this completely however; the level of cost to CCP needs to be justified in its return or perceived value.

EVESports are important to the community as a whole, there is content for newer players in many forms but for those that have been around a little longer its Tournaments and highly skilled events like this that still feed us that buzz and excitement EVE Online can deliver.

The cold hard truth is; the future of EVEsports lies in our hands, us the players. Some great examples have already been set in the past by RvB and I intend to build a network of like-minded volunteers with an excellent mix in skillsets to provide a viable future for EVEsports.

Despite CCP’s budget having been cut for this side of EVE there are many things that they can do to assist this merry band of volunteers at zero to low cost to the company. Social media boosts of player-organised events and or prizes organised in the form of in-game items will boost the viability of these kind of projects and ensure the future of competitive EVE gameplay.

As the owner of #EVE_NT Collides and having a deep involvement with those in the competitive circles I feel I am very well suited to represent their concerns and work hard together with CCP on EVEsports future. As CSM I further want to push to bring the competitive scene to EVE and providing direct assistance to CCP to take advantage of the range of marketing opportunities at their disposal to allow those who are missing out on this game to see the light and become a pilot in the storied world of New Eden.

I've flown with and against Nashh these last few years and have had many dealings with him, including several in-game events, and always found him to be dedicated and knowledgeable. He certainly gets my support as a candidate for the next CSM council as an event and esports representative.

-Joffy Aulx-Gao - ABA Director, Diplomat, CSM candidate

When Nashh asks for two minutes he gives you 10.

-Bei Artjay, Producer #EVE_NT Collides

#EVE_NT Collides is literally the worst

-CCP Logibro, Tech on #EVE_NT Collides


Apothne - PL, Crossing Zebras

Low Security Space

[b]I have nothing against null-sec, WH space or high security areas but low-sec is where I live and spend most my time. Low-sec is sometimes forgotten about as it's where the “scrubs” live. I am here to tell you otherwise. Low-Sec lives matter! although the balance in Low-Sec has vastly improved over the last 7 years there is always room for a little improvement.

With the majority of my EVE career spent in low security space and with good contacts all over its great community I feel I am the right person to represent and voice their concerns and issues.

Let me be clear on the fact I do not wish to be a game designer or game changer, I merely want to help facilitate the players comments in a manageable way and feedback the communities concerns to CCP. There are other candidates with a strong technical experience in low-sec you can endorse like Joffy to have specific points and improvements for low-sec.

‘’Nashh and his merry band of Bastards embody everything that is great about lowsec and the outlaw lifestyle. Dyed in the wool PvPers with a long tradition in piracy, taking the fight and doing it well. This combined with Nashh’s outstanding work in the community with #EVE_NT and Collides, puts him at the very top of my ballot. Vote Nashh for CSM 11’’

-Niden, Editor in Chief at Crossing Zebras, GMVA Diplomat

"Nashh - the best thing to stop eve becoming a Kadavr"

W0wbagger - CEO Shadow Cartel Alliance

'Nashh is a doer with high energy and great enthusiasm for EVE and the community. He's well organized, extremely knowledgable about the game, particularly the pirate play style and low sec life, and he is personable and communicative. I feel confident he will be an excellent CSM member and he will definitely get a top tier vote from me!'

-Mynxee - CSM Delegate, CEO Signal Cartel

'If you don't know Nashh... He's an amazing beacon for connecting people in the EVE community - ingame and in real life - especially through his organisation of the EVE_NT meetup. His corp is a familiar name if you're based in lowsec, and rightly so. I've had the pleasure of meeting Nashh and his alliancemates on several occasions.

I can honestly say that CSM XI would be a hell of a lot stronger with Nashh on-board. His ability to reach out to the EVE community, coupled with his integrity and his passion for this game and its players make him an excellent CSM candidate.

I have no doubt that he will listen where the community speaks, and speak on the community's behalf rather than for himself. Something which so many CSM candidates have failed to achieve in the past.'

-Rocket_X - PL Wrecking Crew Hero