Saint Michaels Soul

Character Created: 2012/10/30

Corp/Alliance: Moira./Villore Accords

Country: United Kingdom

Twitter: @SaintMichaelsSo

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Candidate Self Description

Low Sec hasn’t had a dedicated representative on the CSM since Sugar Kyle retired.

I’d like to help communicate the frustrations and worries of low sec denizens to CCP which are currently going unheard. I would like to help CCP work through some of the issues surrounding Citadel proliferation and it’s affects on the Low Sec ecology, most especially that of Faction Warfare goal motivation. I’m obviously not the first to highlight the elephant in the room and having raised this at the Fanfest round tables previously I’d like to help those conversations along, keep LS in focus and provide a mouthpiece for the many thousands of players who live there.

Please check out my forum thread for more detail.

Campaign Post

Saint Michaels Soul for CSM 13

Hey capsuleers, I’m running for CSM and in the time honoured tradition I’m giving you a quick introduction to me, myself and I.

My History

TL/DR - I’m a low sec faction warfare scrub and diplo for GalMil.

I started playing at the end of 2012 after being invited to the beta of an interesting sounding Playstation shooter Dust 514. Although Dust and I didn’t gel, it motivated me to read up on Eve and the permissive environment and stories hooked me. On my first day in New Eden I was introduced to my first corp (PCG Enterprises, then the offical corp of PC Gamer magazine) and ended up in a 20 strong fleet, having literally no idea what I was doing but blown away by the camaraderie and knowledge that these players had.

A year or so later I was installed as the CEO and had taken us out to Low Sec and then onto NPC Null in syndicate, where we began to focus on moon capture, reactions and PVP (badly). Eventually we moved into WHs and did a very convincing job of piling up ISK until the announcement of the Phoebe Jump changes, which gave me and some friends the motivation to move to Sov Null and join up with the romantic little new boys of Null, PFR, where I was put into my first Diplo role (mainly dealing with TEST….yep).

Forward winding to the collapse of PFR, I joined up with some old friends from the Syndicate days (Coreli Corp) and flew with Mercenary Coalition through World War Bee. However my sights had always been set on smaller gang fights and the way of -10 and just over a year and a half ago I moved to Low Sec Faction warfare with Villore Accords where I’ve found another great bunch of people and a playstyle that emphasises fun over objectives.

Along the way, I’ve flown in two ATs (which everyone should do at least once), whelped a giant pile of different things, had the odd great kill and FC’ed whenever someone more competent didn’t want to. You can generally find me dying to gate guns in Black Rise/Placid (or cryptically hotdropping in Cloud Ring atm, long live Galmilistan!) or losing something inappropriate to obvious bait.

Why the CSM?

TL/DR - Low sec needs love

Low Sec hasn’t had a representative on the CSM since Sugar Kyle retired. I’d like to help communicate the frustrations and worries of low sec denizens to CCP which are currently going unheard. I’m not going to put down a list of potential design changes that I’d champion (I’m not a games designer, I’m not a CCP employee and that’s not what the CSM is for) but I would like to help CCP work through some of the issues surrounding Citadel proliferation and it’s affects on the Low Sec ecology, most especially that of Faction Warfare goal motivation. I’m obviously not the first to highlight the elephant in the room and having raised this at the fanfest round tables previously I’d like to help those conversations along, keep LS in focus and provide a mouthpiece for the many thousands of players who live there. Do I expect lots of Low Sec dev time next year? Of course not, can I try and keep Low Sec in mind for some of the bigger decisions that CCP make in 2018? I believe so.

About me

TL/DR - Been gaming and programming since 1979, love an eve meet and hats.

Easily identifiable due to a penchant for a Trilby or Fedora, I’m on the older side for a modern gamer (most definitely the wrong side of 40), am a computer scientist by day, space nerd by night (Sure, it’s not quite crime fighter…) and try and get to as many eve meets as possible; This year I’ve attended Eve London, Manchester, Fanfest and Evesterdam - meeting other players and chatting about shared experiences is perhaps the single most important factor in what makes Eve great, we’re all creating our stories but what use is a story without someone to listen?

An active Tweetfleet member and a minute by minute Slack addict, I’ll be focussing on the forums and direct player chats to garner feedback. I’m not a huge Reddit poster but like everyone else I’m on there regularly to see which way the wind is blowing and to get my daily recommended allowance of salt.

How I’d approach the CSM

TL/DR - Be persistent about keeping LS on the agenda, listen and communicate clearly and be available.

Taking positivity into my interactions with CCP and players would be an important part of my representation - You don’t get anywhere by putting people’s backs up and throwing your toys out of the pram. That having been said I can be as tenacious as anyone and will continually beat the “LOW SEC LOW SEC” drum on the players behalf. I most definitely don’t have a horse in the greater eve politics race, positive in some ways, negative in terms of actually getting votes!

Due to changes in personal circumstances I’m in a great position in terms of free time in 2018 and would be able to dedicate significant time to the CSM. I understand about the sacrifice required in terms of my general game playing time and am prepared for that.

Other pertinent information

TL/DR – Fun stuff

I am so Eve famous I was in the Fanfest opening ceremony this year:

Some quotes from people I’ve asked about running for the CSM on a low sec platform:

Steve Ronuken:

“You should”

Rixx Javix:

“Obviously I want a LS/FW person on the CSM. My wife won’t let me run lol”


“Lowsec is dead. CSM can’t do ■■■■ so we don’t care at all what happens.”

Julianus Soter:

“Requesting you don’t burn yourself out with it.”


…at Eve Manchester - “I’m not going to run again in 2018 but you should run”

…at Evesterdam - “I’m going to run again in 2018”

If you have questions, please get in touch (or post here) and I’ll do my best to answer: In game mail (Saint Michaels Soul), Twitter DM (@SaintMichaelsSo) or email ( I’m also more than happy to stink up your comms if you’d like to chat directly