bardghost Isu

Country: United Kingdom

Character Created: 2014/07/24

Corp/Alliance: Unity of Suns/Warped Intentions

Reddit: bardghost_Isu

Twitter: @bardghost_isu

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Talking in Stations - Soundcloud - YouTube

Ballot Statement

Vote for me if you wish to see changes that improve the QOL in the game, More frequent lore and events surrounding them. I will also push for more CSM transparency to show you what work we do and also stand for your benefit not my own

The reason I am running is due issues within the UI that create serious QOL headaches for players, Improvements really must be made here for the overall benefit of the game, to increase player enjoyment and possibly even retention

I will also push for more lore content for Role players and Regular players alike. Recently there has been a great step in this direction and I will push for more, Events should be more common and a higher variety in rewards whilst events should also be available for those who like to participate in RP.

I also would like to help bring an improvement to the CSM and help to shape it to be more outward facing, I understand there are things in place such as NDA’s that stop some information flow and would do the best I can to communicate what I can without breaking it. I will use many different platforms for to get as many people engaged as possible.

We play eve to have fun, I’m going to respect your views regardless of what alliance or area of space you come from.

Campaign Post

Hello to eve players.

As some of you may know, It is that time of the year again where we elect members of the CSM.

This year I am asking you to vote for me, Even if it is second or third on your preference lists.

My past

I started playing Eve in mid 2014 and for about a year all my time was spent there trying to find stuff to do and losing ships all the time. Since then I have run an alliance that fell apart, Moved to provi and joined many pvp groups and recently started to FC fleets.

Who I am

Low and Null small gang pvp'er.

PVP in large providence fleets.

Provi FC for 20-40 man fleets. (Usually talwars and small stuff)

Occasional streaming on twitch.

Someone who stands up for the little guys, But doesn't ignore the bigger ones.

My Campaign

I would like to see more emphasis on QOL changes to make life easier for the people who come on to have fun and enjoy themselves. CCP have recently revealed some amazing changes that make life easier for people and I would push to continue that trend. It wouldn't need to be major dev-time put towards some of the fixes but they could improve peoples play massively.

The lore is another place I would love for some improvement. It was going very well until recently where it seems to have stagnated and a lot of people I speak to would like more frequency. I would want to see more frequent news articles that lead up to in game events that are fun for all involved. It may be necessary to bring in major names from the RP community in order to help accomplish this however I would love to see a more vibrant world around us.

I will represent the players as CSM is supposed to do, I'm not going to take the view of one player as less than that of someone else just because they come from and area of space or alliance that is viewed unfavourably by people.

One thing is that I will be open and honest as far as possible without breaking NDA, If there is something I don't agree with then I'll push for us to get a community opinion on it.

After all of that, I am open to suggestions from other people and I am more than willing to take on their feedback and do the best that I can to raise the issue and get a response from CCP on those topics. Me not having experience is not a bad thing, It means I am going to be less biased to a certain playstyle.

Contact details -

Mail me in game - Bardghost Isu

Discord - bardghost Isu #4079

Twitter - @bardghost_isu

Reddit - bardghost_Isu

Thank you all for reading

Fly safe and remember to vote.