Crystalline Entity

Character Created: 2007-03-08

Country: United Kingdom

Corp/Alliance: Black Dragon PHP/Darwinism.

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

Yes, my name is from Star Trek. Congratulations you are an internet spaceship nerd… Wait that sounds rude, it was a little sarcastic I will grant you that.

Who am I and why should you vote for me? – Short version, you probably shouldn’t. You should vote the way your other F1 monkeys tell you to.

But, if you like commas, and have a few extra votes on your multiple chars (toons is a stupid word) you might consider throwing them at me, an old school pirate that lives in the best region ingame (Khanid).

But Crystalline why? – Well, I’ve lived in null, highsec and lowsec. I’ve visited wormholes but they scare me and probing is boring. I have come to the conclusion that lowsec needs some love, and I full include FW in that whilst not knowing much about it.

Also, commas,,,,,,,,

Campaign Post

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