
Character Created: 2010-05-27

Country: United States

Corp/Alliance: KarmaFleet/Goonswarm Federation

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

Twitter: @Xenuria

Reddit: u/CreeperAgent


Last time I was elected I fundamentally reformed the way the CSM functions as an institution. The white paper was re-written, the amount of seats was changed so that everybody could attend summits and the overall relationship with CCP and the CSM was improved.

Hi, I am Xenuria !

If you are reading this it means you are using the EvE online forums, tarvu help you. I am running for re-election to the CSM, last time I was on the CSM I did some really cool stuff. You can read about this cool stuff here and here.

Realistically this election cycle is probably going to be inundated with candidates who randomly stumbled into the application process on their way to gamestop to pick up fortnight gift cards. Voter turnout has been on a steady decline resulting in null sec leadership figures winning almost every single seat. If elected I am going to try my best to change this by advocating for more transparency and player engagement as it relates to the CSM as an institution.

Every year a bunch of loud yet otherwise apathetic people get up on a soap box to tell everybody that they don’t feel the CSM represents them or that their votes don’t count.

Every year this proves to be a lie told be people who can’t do math or don’t understand the definition of democracy. I wrote a small article on this subject including some hard to swallow numbers.

For reference here is a picture of me.



Sources and Citations

Talking In Stations Podcast




Discord Xenuria #0752



Horse Trades

If you are voting for me please put Manic Velocity as your second choice after me. Wherever I appear on a ballot you cast, make sure his name is right after mine. Manic Velocity is going to do the same for me with his voters.