Radu Lupescu

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Campaign Post

Salutations and a good day to you,

My name is Radu Lupescu and I am officially declaring my campaign for CSM10.

I have been a citizen of New Eden for a couple years now and I've embraced almost every facet Eve has to offer. Be it intentionally, or inadvertently, I have been exposed to a full array of Eve's choices and consequences and lived to tell the tale of some rather unique stories that tie in directly to Eve's "school of hard knocks". Like all of you, I started out very green. Took me a while to figure out that a Badger 1 isn't the best ship to mine in

. But that same badger led to me accidentally becoming a hauler. As a hauler I worked hard to build a name that people could trust and had always made sure to run square deals and stay clean. Over time... that will to do well and succeed was recognized by those around me, and especially my superiors. In retrospect it was all rather quick, but, I climbed and was led all the way from base member to director in two well-founded industrial corporations. I have held dual directorship ever since.

I have had to problem-solve through all stages of my personal developments. And anyone who's ever been in corporate administration can tell you... there is a significant amount of problem solving up top. It took me a while to get used to the flow of helping run a Manufacturing/Research and Development Corporation and a Logistics Corporation as well, but, all in all I can say I've always given both every bit of honest dedication that I could and can. I have had to:

- negotiate with other alliances and corporations

- handle issues between my corporation and the customer

- find problem areas and propose solutions

- implement solutions

- review and renovate old policies

- craft industrial doctrines and policies

- create departments

- recruit

- teach new players

All the while I have continued working, albeit more slowly, as a hauler. And under no circumstance did I forget where I started from or forget those that I've known since my beginning. Because of this, as a director I have always done everything I could to listen to each and all members of my corporations. I careful analyzed all propositions and looked for any way to implement them if they seemed healthy for the corporation. And this entire wall of text ties in directly with why I'm running for CSM10.

I need to preface with saying that I have no personal qualms with the current or past CSM's. I, as the rest of you, am aware that they've tried to do their duty faithfully and done everything they could to help the citizenry of New Eden. For that they have my respect. Looking at them one can see almost every demographic of Eve being amply represented. But... there is a "but" though. And that rests with the voices of haulers. I know these voices well and I listen to them every single day. Between the various hauler channels, anti-ganking channels, Push Interstellar Industries channels, and local channels, I have read and discussed many concerns. Most of them can be traced back to the feelings of, "Nobody cares what I think" and "CCP has no idea what living life as a hauler in New Eden means". Every time I hear something like that I purse my brows. That is because something doesn't seem right there.

Now I'm not looking to take away the joys of gankers. Obviously it's within the game mechanic and silence from the powers that be does equal consent. So I won't go there. What I am looking to do though is allow every voice in the hauling community to have equal say and representation to other CSM members and CCP... directly. I also wish to review what can be done to even the scale between haulers and gankers. And I'll even add that miners could use some attention too. So their voices would be just as well heard to me.

My number one goal though is for this gank targeted minority to be able to say they finally have a voice that they, the CSM, and CCP can communicate with freely and openly. I realize that it may seem a small thing to some - but to me and them, I am sure, it is something major. Given what I have previously stated about myself, and being a director at Push Industries, means that I am the right person for that job. All I want is the chance to influence and help whatever ideas and positive changes, however small, come to life. Also, rest assured, if I feel I have done a poor job of it I will not run for an additional term. Further though I would at least expect to not be voted in again. But I feel that if I am elected to be a CSM10, as I've outline, good things will follow.

Thank you kindly for reading and for you consideration


Fly safely,

Radu Lupescu