Vince Draken

Country: United Kingdom

Character Created: 2003/08/31

Corp/Alliance: Burning Napalm/Northern Coalition.

Reddit: VinceDraken

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Ballot Statement

Northern Coalition. Alliance Leader and illustrious Fleet Commander.

Who is Vince Draken?

My subscription to EVE Online began during the open beta in August 2003, actively participating in EVE Online’s achievement over the many years. I am very well known among my nullsec peers for my particular leadership styles, combat record and newsworthy content creation. I have been the leader of NC. for the past 7 years, a well rounded alliance in the aspects of capital and subcapital pvp in null security space. I have the experience and knowledge to bring valuable information, ideas, and opinions to the development team. My alliance has built a foundation of experience, knowledge and expertise within membership, pushing the boundaries and striving to succeed we have come up with new and innovating ways to experience EVE Online.

I have a robust alliance history, being an influential factor in each of their developments:

Triumvirate (The Original TRI)

The Five [ATUK]

Band of Brothers [BOB]

Lokta Voltera [LK]

Northern Coalition. [NC.]

What can I do for the people of EVE Online?

The CSM needs someone who has the experience, ambition and knowledge that I have. Someone who has been part of and witnessed the progression of EVE Online. As an outlet of communication to the devs; I have the perspective of the highs and lows of this game, past to present, and what kind of direction it needs to remain engaging and fun and challenging.

I would like to work with my fellow veterans of EVE Online, the people who have been there since the get go. To develop the nullsec community with people who desire change to the old, embrace the new, and challenge the ideas of what this game should be.

What things need to be looked at?


Faction Battleships

Small and Large Goals of EVE Online

Sov fights and the implications of TiDi

POS Mechanics (Once and for all)

What I can offer to CCP:

13 Years of Experience and Knowledge playing EVE Online

Have been part of the Sandbox that is EVE Online, including being at the core of the major sovereignty wars

Strong understanding of the metagame of EVE Online, and nullsec mechanics

Ambitious ideas and opinions

A strong understanding of what changes were good, great and bad

Ability to identify what is broken, and priority levels of fixes

Campaign Post

Hello everyone,

I am Vince Draken, Northern Coalition. Alliance Leader and illustrious Fleet Commander. I am here to announce my candidacy for CSM XII.

Who is Vince Draken?

My subscription to EVE Online began during the open beta in August 2003, actively participating in EVE Online’s achievement over the many years. I am very well known among my nullsec peers for my particular leadership styles, combat record and newsworthy content creation. I have been the leader of NC. for the past 7 years, a well rounded alliance in the aspects of capital and subcapital pvp in null security space. I have the experience and knowledge to bring valuable information, ideas, and opinions to the development team. My alliance has built a foundation of experience, knowledge and expertise within membership, pushing the boundaries and striving to succeed we have come up with new and innovating ways to experience EVE Online.

I have a robust alliance history, being an influential factor in each of their developments:

Triumvirate (The Original TRI)

The Five [ATUK]

Band of Brothers [BOB]

Lokta Voltera [LK]

Northern Coalition. [NC.]

What can I do for the people of EVE Online?

The CSM needs someone who has the experience, ambition and knowledge that I have. Someone who has been part of and witnessed the progression of EVE Online. As an outlet of communication to the devs; I have the perspective of the highs and lows of this game, past to present, and what kind of direction it needs to remain engaging and fun and challenging.

I would like to work with my fellow veterans of EVE Online, the people who have been there since the get go. To develop the nullsec community with people who desire change to the old, embrace the new, and challenge the ideas of what this game should be.

What things need to be looked at?

  • Citadels
  • Faction Battleships
  • Small and Large Goals of EVE Online
  • Sov fights and the implications of TiDi
  • POS Mechanics (Once and for all)

What I can offer to CCP:

  • 13 Years of Experience and Knowledge playing EVE Online
  • Have been part of the Sandbox that is EVE Online, including being at the core of the major sovereignty wars
  • Strong understanding of the metagame of EVE Online, and nullsec mechanics
  • Ambitious ideas and opinions
  • A strong understanding of what changes were good, great and bad
  • Ability to identify what is broken, and priority levels of fixes

Thank you for taking the time to read my CSM Candidacy post! I look forward to the many conversations, evemails, discord chats, interviews you all may have. I will actively be following this post, so please post questions and I’ll be happy to answer!