Raphendyr Nardieu

Country: Finland

Character Created: 2013/05/18

Corp/Alliance: Unpublished Chapter/Suddenly Content

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Ballot Statement

Social guy that likes to talk about the game a lot to find problems and solutions. I have background in Finnish EVE community, so I know the language/culture based problems and I also know what it means to be the smaller guy. I’m strong wormhole dweller, but I have pilots in null and low sec too.

I have been playing actively for few years and I’m in roles of diplomat, recruiter and fleet commander. My talents are in talking. I listen to people so I could understand the whole picture. I also drive to know why things and people work as they do. As a result I have deep understanding of many mechanics and often teach others about those. I often find myself helping new pilots forward.

I like CCP’s direction of removing uninteresting roles and moving from knowledge towards mastery of a skill. Even as a wormholer with knowledge, I think there is a lot of small things that could be more clear and understandable. I would prefer skill of execution over just knowing what to do.

I have experienced players as good friends that I often talk to so I can contest ideas and learn details. They are my advisors on anything that comes to EVE.

As long as you talk to me or share my views, I can represent you! You can connect with me via in game, slack or reddit. Check my forum post for more details.

Campaign Post
