DoToo Foo

Character Created: 2012/02/19

Corp/Alliance: Sons of Alexander/AL3XAND3R

Blog: Foo's Eve Musings

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CSM Watch Interview: Link

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Campaign Post

I am a wormhole PI bear, a nullsec market trader and the hunted.

I belong to and help make the small group. I have no love for the largest player groups.

I believe in the circle of gank. The good PVP pilot will defeat the Ganker. The good Ganker will catch the Evasion pilot, The good Evasion pilot will evade the PVP pilot.

Once on the CSM, I will encourage CCP to consider gameplay compatible with 'us'. ('They' will already be represented)

Eve is already one to the strongest 'market' games. Real destruction leads to real construction. I have some little things I would like to see fixed (Selling below buy orders, buying above sell orders for one)

For some controversy:

  • I think warp core stabs encourage hunter pilots to differentiate between being a PVPer or a ganker.
  • I think NPC's should do less, and players should do more (whether it is market seeding, or even player faction militia having the rights of NPC faction police)
  • I like the fragmentation of nullsec created by Fozzie Sov

I am a part time blogger, and have a series of posts for those interested in the CSM :