Steve Ronuken

Character Created: 2011/06/26

Corp/Alliance: Fuzzwork Enterprises/Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM

Website: Fuzzwork

Twitter: @Funnysteve

Eve Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

CSM Watch Interview: Link

EVE_NT Interview: Link Link

Campaign Post

I told myself that I'd wait till the official announcement, before putting up this post, but eh, it's at least the right year.

I'm Steve Ronuken, your friendly neighbourhood industrialist, and the proprietor of (and, and a site I really need to finish and get out for the NPSI community. It'll happen this year.) On the side, I do a little missioning, exploration, and trading (when CODE. aren't blowing up my freighter. )

This is my fourth CSM election, and I'm hopeful, with your help, the third time I get elected.

Before I get into the rest of this post, I wanted to address a question about CSM X. Yes, the relationship with CCP has been somewhat damaged. Which is a real shame, both CCP and players of Eve prosper, when communications flow freely. However, I'm not as bitter as some people have become (evidenced, in part, by me running again). I'm also not of the opinion that the CSM has to change structurally to fix things. Or that the CSM should be replaced by focus groups.

Focus groups are a great idea. Sugar and Corbexx have run some very productive ones, which have given very useful information to CCP. However, focus groups are best suited for things which are long running. The CSM is really handy for those questions where you just need a quick answer, from a wide selection of player groupings. Where you want both an insiders and an outsiders viewpoint. Focus groups are slower (you have to form them) and, by nature, more focused on specific topics.

As far as I'm concerned, electing a bunch of politicians to the CSM is missing the point of it. Someone who rarely logs into Eve isn't a suitable candidate. Leaders are fine, but you want a number of subject matter experts. From FCs, to missioners, to wormholers, to industrialists (see what I did there?


Anyway, I'm not going to make you a bunch of campaign promises. Any candidate who says "I'll change Eve this way" is badly misguided as to the role of the CSM. Yes, we can make suggestions, play at junior game dev (I know I have) but that's all it is. playing. CCP doesn't have to listen on that, the only value being to give them some ideas, for when they get back round to that system.

What I will say is, I support the following things.

  • Making information available to players, to allow them to make more informed choices. See my site for some examples.
  • Remembering the solo player. That's not to say everything has to be available to solo players. But they should always be considered. (see below for a definition of solo)
  • Industrialist lives matter.
  • Miner lives matter. (I'd like to see more options in mining. but this is rolling into junior game dev territory)
  • Highsec matters. It's where most people start off, and many stay. Nullsec has its place, and should have a few unique twiddly bits, but they shouldn't come from crippling highsec.
  • All sec spaces matter. They're different. They should remain different. And no one space is more important than any other. There should be reasons to go day tripping into lowsec and wormholed (where you become content for the people who live there) There should be reasons to control areas of nullsec. Bob is no laughing matter in wormholes.
  • All ages of players matter. From Newbies to Veterans. Eve doesn't have an End game. And it should stay that way. And while the NPE needs work (and always will, tbh, until we get AIs to walk everyone through stuff till they're comfortable) that doesn't mean that everything for Vets should be ignored.
  • PvE and PvP are equally important. Dull PvE leads to players who fund their PvP with it, getting bored and walking away.
  • PvP and PvE should be more similar. More variety, and having to use PvP style fits when missioning/running anoms. The concept of a PvE fit rubs me the wrong way.
  • Third party development - (added because people bugged me to, on #devfleet) I'm one of the primary sources for the static data export many sites depend on. I run a site which appears to be pretty popular. I'm deeply plugged into that community, of third party developers, many of whom make their tools freely available regardless of affiliation. As such, I have a very good grasp on what they want, and what I should advocate for on their, and your, behalf.

Anyway, if you have any questions, ask away :D