Erika Mizune

Character created: 2011/09/20

Corp/Alliance: The Soul Society/DeepSpace

Eve Radio: DJ and Assistant Manager (DJ Yumene)

Blog: Erika Mizune - Ramblings of an Industrialist

Twitter: @djyumene

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

CSM Watch Interview: Link

EVE_NT Interview: Link Link

Campaign Post


I am pleased to say that I am going to be running for CSM XI in the next upcoming election. Last year I wrote a little about myself, but I’d like to go ahead and introduce myself to those who may not know me.

My name is Erika Mizune and I have been playing Eve activity since 2011 (not including my first account I failed at in 2010). I found out about Eve through Eve Radio. I joined in the IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel and from there I started talking with people in the channel and I wanted to learn more; so one of the staff members had sent me a invite for a buddy trial. It did take me a little while before things started clicking, but eventually I did learn to love the game and I loved the idea of it; it was unlike any other game that I have played. I was hooked to say the least.

From there, the rest is history as I started to make friends and become immersed within the community.

Being an active member of the community is something that I have been proud of. I am currently serving with Eve Radio under my main alias, DJ Yumene. I have from there always been someone who has loved to step up and and help others that ask and need it. I want to give back to the community...

So that brings me here, to this post announcing my candidacy for CSM XI. I am asking for your support in placing your vote for me in the elections. I have the passion and the drive to want to give back and help, with the community at the heart.

In-game I am a focused industrial player living in 0.0 sovereignty space. I am a miner, manufacturer, hauler, and pretty much anything else in between. On the side I also have a character that I have specialized in PvP skills and I have had a share of pirate, FW, and Sov PvP experience. I always enjoyed also trying other things outside my normal play style as well.

***Industrial Focus***

The industrial side of the game, still, seems to be most un-appreciated. There have been changes introduced, however there is still a lot more that could be done I feel to make things feel better. Industrial tasks and jobs are known to be the most tedious of the other areas (and possibly market trading/market pvp), and for me, I’d like to see the industrial side get some more love.

***Industrial “Little Things”***

There’s always ideas for little things here, and I started thinking of little things a good while back when CCP had opened up a topic to get ideas for ‘Corp Little Things’ - and I did submit my own ideas for the thread, but also thinking on the industrial side:

- PoS Moon Mining: When you are at your PoS in order to collect your materials from a moon harvester you have to first offline the silo to take your items out, but when you go to turn it back on with the right click option, where the “offline” option was, there is a link to “unanchor structure” with the “online” option bumped to the center of the menu. This can cause much frustration if you accidentally click that unanchor option. Change position of unanchor option and online option to avoid misclicks.

- PI W/ Less Clicking: Self explanatory I think, reducing the clicking would be nice when it comes to setting up your planets, especially setting up links between the structures you place down and setting schematics for all your facilities. Possible idea to be able to save factory “plans” (like ship fitting) where you can choose to use a saved “plan” to lay down instead of having to re-build everything. You would still have to create routes/links and set your schematics however - this would simply be laying down the groundwork of the buildings.

- New Options For Mining: I touched this last year, but it is still relevant; comet mining! Why do we not have this?! Ok, maybe this isn’t a “little thing” ... But I just didn’t want to leave this out.

- Industrial Notifications - Nearly everything in Eve has notifications from PvP kill mails, to PoS structure fuel and reinforcement notifications; however most industrial activities do not. When a Indy job finishes, there is no notice, if your PI storage is getting full, there is no notice, PI cycle timer running low, there is no notice; if moon mining silos are getting full, there's no notices. Indy notification love please?

- Industrial Teams: It’s been awhile since we heard anything about the teams and if/when they are coming back. It was a good concept and think it should be revisited.

- Blueprint Invention: Bringing back the invention section on blueprint information without having to go to the copy tab and then click invention. Would make it very much easier and user friendly.

- Courier Contracts: Ability to see if there is a cargo can inside of a contract. Not able to see what's inside the cans, just to show if there is one or not.

***Non-Industrial 'Little Things'***

Like above, a list of little things, however these are general little things that I think would be nice.

Note Pad: Very useful to have and I love it, but a couple things i'd like to see - (a) being able to view notes side by side (like you can with other windows to compare with), and (b) a simple un-do/re-do feature, even if it only does the last couple of edits, would be useful. Been a number of times I wish this was an option when I accidentally delete something and have to rewrite it. I don't know if this would be a 'little thing' though ... Though it seems like it should be.

Couriers: Can we get comma's on the m3 values? When you initially create the contract there are commas, but when you finish creating it, the commas are gone and sometimes hard to read [Figure 1]. Comma's plox!

Eve-Mail: Filters please? So annoying trying to find that one mail and having to tab between several pages of messages; almost everything else in Eve has filters, mails is one that should have one as well!

Old 'Sovereignty' Kill Information: On the old Sov info window you could also see the activity in the top corner with how many ship losses and pods were killed in the last 24hrs, but with the new Sov tab, this isn't view-able anymore and high sec doesn't have a Sov tab anymore. I know, High-Sec doesn't really need a Sov tab, but even so It was nice to have a quick view of system activity with a simple click.


This is a topic that is also close to me. We have players from all walks of life in this community, including those who play with disabilities and having more options open for accessibility. This is something that has really had no representation on within the CSM to give a voice to this part of the community.

Myself, I am hard of hearing, deaf on my right ear, and loss in my left ear, I also have a few friends who play that are deaf and as well as and they have expressed frustrations when it comes to this portion and the fact that the majority of corps and alliances rely on voice communication, especially when it comes to fleet ops - often taking extra time to get orders, or in some cases, just completely. While CCP can’t exactly do anything about that, there are options to add extra accessibility within the fleet window interface for example, and better options for fleet broadcasts. I wrote a blog post last year about this as well that I am going to go ahead and place a link below to since this hasn't changed.

Being Deaf/HoH in Eve Online (Blog Post)

On a related note to accessibility, I have also been expressed by a couple of other friends of mine about the new issues with the newer interface, importantly the transparency that you automatically have enabled at the start. Why not vise versa, take out the transparency and the window blur and just leave it as an option for thoes who do wish to use it.

Or perhaps a voice over system/capability such as suggested here by Jaling Orion. There is also many games out there that also has color blind features; why not have these features within Eve as well?

Basic Game Accessibility Strategies: (Source)

Hearing impairment and visual impairment

  • Enhance stimuli: for example, high contrast color scheme, increased font size, color blind friendly color scheme and zoom options.
  • Replace stimuli: for example, subtitles or closed captioning, audio cues, sonification, speech synthesis or haptic cues.

Motor impairments

  • Replace input: for example, support for direct voice input or a brain-computer interface.
  • Reduce input: for example, switch access scanning and remove or automate inputs.

Cognitive impairment

  • Reduce stimuli: for example, limit the number of game objects, or simply the storyline.
  • Reduce time constraints: for example, slow down the game.
  • Reduce input: for example, remove or automate inputs that needs to be provided.

***CSM X Campaign Revisits***

A couple of things that still haven't changed that I still think are important to be on the campaign. For the full thread you can click here, but points of relevance are below.

Missions: Missions are redundant, add some new and fresh story-lines instead of playing through the same missions over and over again. Here is my favorite quote I made during CSM X:

“Damsel in Distress needs you to save her!” *rolls eyes* Her again? Hasn't she learned by now? Can’t I just go there and blow her up for being a stupid moron? She keeps getting herself in this mess! Let her get herself out of it! Geeze ...

Mining Environments: Adding something small as a intensive/reward (right word?), to mining a asteroid completely, such as a denser version of the asteroid you mined (albeit the amount would be very small that would 'drop', but it would still add something extra when the roid goes -poof-)

***Closing Notes***

With all that, I do want to thank you for taking the time to look at my campaign thread and I hope that I have your support in voting for me in the upcoming elections for CSM XI. Please reply with any questions/comments you may have. If elected, I will do my best for you, the community, and work hard! I promise you I won't disappoint! Thank you again!

***My Endorsements***

Me of course!

Joffy Aulx-Gao


All my support and testimonials will be listed and view-able on my website: click here to view

***Links & Contact Information***

In-Game: Erika Mizune

Twitter: @djyumene

Skype: yumenechan


My Website:

CSM Ingame Channel: "Erika4CSM"