Mr Deathwhisper

Character Created: 2009-06-30

Country: Denmark

Corp/Alliance: Burning Napalm/Northern Coalition.

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

“Make sure you are building the right ‘it’, before you build ‘it’ right.” are wise words by Alberto Savoia and symbolise one of the reasons why I will be running for CSM.

CCP has been focussing for too long on spending their time, money and energy making something that no one wants, instead of focus on making sure they are making the right “it”.

If I am elected to CSM 14 then I will spend my time on three goals to help CCP make Eve a better game for us players.

Goal 1: Usability issues that Eve has: How CCP can fix the issues and making Eve a better experience for the players.

Goal 2: Balancing. CCP have been ignoring balancing for too long and need to focus more on faster balancing cycles instead of pushing out new content.

Goal 3: War on clicks. Eve is a game where us players need to perform multiple clicks just to get a simple action done and this is not helping the user experience of Eve.

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