
Character Created: 2005-09-20

Country: Canada

Corp/Alliance: Spartan Vanguard/Test Alliance Please Ignore

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link


I am looking to engage with the people at CCP to foster the continued improvement and growth of EVE. I have been a player for over 15 years and have seen the good the bad and the ugly. I know what will be in the best interest of the game and what will not more often than not.

A vote for me, is a vote for a EVE's future.


I am Vily, the longest running Bloc FC in EVE. I have participated in every element of this game at usually the highest level possible.

To give a brief intro to myself. I started the game as with the Coalition of Empires in 2005, moved to KAOS Empire shortly after COE was killed and participated in many of the big battles of FE and the day. Left KAOS during the eviction by MC and ended up being a Roleplayer for Khanid long before they got their own bloodline. Joined Beagle corp and harassed the north small gang style, being one of the first gen dictor pilots (and how I got the name Vily vs. my original Robet Katrix) Joined MC after Beagle, became a prominent FC there. Led the corp Eternity for a while and participated in the formation and short end of Project Alice. Alliance. Joined RZR and and participated in all the MAX campaigns both way. Was one of the leaders in Exalted. Alliance which was another small gang/lowsec/nullsec entrance group. Later part of MH and their high command. One of the original bomber FC’s, leading the development of tactics and strategies. Joined GSF after MH where I worked/led/”did stuff” for 5 years. Left GSF after some conflicting personalities, joined TEST. Rebuilt a lot of TEST from ground up. Arguable founder of Legacy. Proponent of shield supers for a long time.

That’s very brief. But I’ve been around for 14 years and done almost everything.

So let’s talk some policy.

I will utilize my experience to push for things that are best for the game. That doesn’t mean they will be the popular opinion or the most common one but the things that I view will be good for the game from my point of view.

Things like conflict are good.

However I also acknowledge after spending the better part of the last 2 years building infrastructure into the regions of space I help control, that there must also be balance between offense and defence.

I am not to break the wheel or reinvent it but to make clear adjustments and improvements that can steer eve’s trajectory into the future.

I have no qualms about calling out stupidity as I see it and I have even less about how others may perceive my actions as long as they are in the best interest of eve.

I have generally avoided the CSM for the last decade or so, but I feel it is now more important than ever to ensure the game has clear direction that is being pushed by players that know it better than even some of the developers themselves.