Mike Azariah

Corp: The Scope

Country: Canada

Blog: A Missioneer In Eve

Twitter: @Mikeazariah

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Ballot Statement

As an incumbent (CSM 8 and 9) you can look back and judge me by my deeds so far. I said I would be an active community representative and I have been. I said I would talk and listen to both CCP and the players and I have.

This term I want to continue the above and help with the New Player Experience, make sure all parts of Eve are considered when one is being 'fixed'.

I would like your support in this and your Vote.

Campaign Post

Yup, wouldn't really be an election if I didn't run now would it?

I am Mike Azariah, Hisec resident, and I am tossing my hat in the ring for CSMX.

I have served on the previous CSM8 and am a member of CSM9 and am still willing to keep doing what I am doing.

CSM is a team effort so it is hard to take credit for things that are done but there are one or two that I feel I have had a stronger hand in. I fought to keep some form of drone assist active. I pushed for the Bowhead ship. Most of all I have tried damn hard to keep the lines of communication between the players and the CSM and on through to CCP open. Podcasts, blogs, I will drop into fleets or do side conversations.

I listen to players.

Doesn't mean I always agree with them but I listen and if I say I will take it up with CCP, I have.

I expect a few folks will post into this thread trying to hang a label on me and some of them will be accurate . . . and some won't. The ones I accept are Carebear (although I do PvP from time to time), Casual player (although there are days when I spend 'too damn long on that computer' to quote my wife), A reasonable person to talk to (although I do confess I like the nickname Northern Troll) and last but one of my favourites . . . Anarchist (Thanks, Sion).

I am passionate about balance of game, about the new player experiences, about keeping the game a solid deep challenge for new and old players. I have seen the roadmap and I want to continue to be a part of the paving crew.

So I ask for your support.
