commander aze

Corp/Alliance: Sub--Zero/The Serenity Initiative

Country: USA

Eve Who Listing


Cap Stable

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Ballot Statement

I don't want to make wild promises I want the community to vote for candidates that that represent medium sized alliances and finally get a representative to of the Dronelands.

Campaign Post

Commander Aze for CSM10

So I appreciate those who voted for me in the CSM9 campaign and would like to once again throw my hat in the ring. As Eve is an ever changing game I have moved from High sec into null sec. I am still passionate as ever about fixing high sec for those that are there. The expansion of content for incursions in another major focus of mine. AS we all know there are changes being discussed about eves future Tower and Sovereignty Mechanics I won’t pretend to be an expert in understanding the current mechanics but I am often confused at mechanics as they stand. I am not alone in this.

So Who am I?

Former High sec industrial Corp Director

Former high sec war dec corp CEO

incursion runner (TDF)

Former CUP FC

Former ECIO Jr FC

Former Battlement Coalition FC

Serenity Initiative FC

Manager of a ton of POS

Notable Events

Battle of Asakai

Battle of B-R

High sec Fleet LC for ghost site launch (those that joined the amarr fleet …. Sorry bros)

Hunt for Caldari officials Dread kills in high sec

So why do I want to try this again, because someone has to ask the questions that are not being discussed. High sec war decs, neutral logistics, Logi on killmails, support for multi alliance communities like TDF or incursion shiny, Alliance level bookmarks. For the EFT war

riors out there more than 200 fits.

Reaffirming the place and purpose of the CSM. It’s important to note that there was a 33% drop in voting from the previous year statistically more people play eve than the year before and that number keeps growing. However less and less are voting for the one of the most important groups to represent the players. Getting the CSM to have diversity and some new blood is a great way to go to get some new opinions and maybe ask some questions that haven’t been brought up before

Refocusing on the new player experience and getting players funneled out of newbie corps and into player run corps. Making things easier to understand is key here I remember as a new bro I had no idea where the overview was for a solid 20 minutes the first time I undocked.

Supporting occupancy based sov and the ability to change the sov you are using. The current mechanics are based on large hp related grinds that can be physically painful to sit through and silly in a lot of ways. I think some of the ideas being discussed have some merit in what null secs future is. And in breaking up the massive blocks of somewhat unused space for smaller groups to create content.

Feel free to ask questions below.