Cagali Cagali

Corp/Alliance: Brave Newbies Inc./Brave Collective

Country: Australia

Twitter: @Cagali_Cagali

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Ballot Statement

I am asking for your support. I have been playing this game for the last two years, and in that time I have come to love the vibrant and amazing community that we have. I want that to continue.

I love the complexity and difficulty that we struggle with, and I love the deep immersion that is possible. I love the heart pounding excitement that you get when your ship is in structure, but you’re heartbeats away from victory.

I love new players, with their unbridled enthusiasm, their confused wanderings, and bewildered fascination. I love their excitement when they land on grid with their first Titan, when they build their first ship, when they discover that amazing gang of friends that will support their plan to take over the world.

I want to ensure CCP continues their efforts to attract and retain new players, to entice long since unsubscribed players to return. I want to make it easy for a corporation to look after their Newbies.

Please Support me, and let’s see what we can accomplish.

Campaign Post

I'm currently the Director for Education, Recruitment and Human Resources for the Brave Collective (lovingly known as the Dept of Infernal Repairs). I've held this post for the last six months or so. I’ve gradually added to my portfolio since I took over as the head of Education a bit over a year ago.

I'm a relatively new player to Eve, I've been playing for only about two years. I joined Brave Newbies in its infancy, and quickly came to love the do AND die attitude that we hold dear. I also love our spirit of focussing on the new player, and being a welcoming and accepting place for all newbies.

I love this game. I love its infinite complexity, its difficulty, its incomprehensibility. I love that it's really about people, and not about clicking a button over and over again. I love that when you play it, you can get embroiled in a war that spans the whole galaxy, or you can live in a single system, a single station even, and play it to a great depth of complexity.

I love that we have ancient characters with millions of skillpoints and thousands of hours of playtime coexisting with one hour newbies who don' t know how to undock.

I love that we have a vibrant community that is alive with interest and culture, our own gatherings, fan art and fiction, and an incredible diversity - with players from all around the world coming together to kill, scam, support, educate, entertain and delight each other.

I've never found anything else like it.

In my role as the head of the Infernal Repairs Division, I have been responsible for more newbies than any other person in the game. Under My stewardship, The Brave Collective has gone from shitfit destroyers in Rahadalon, to trading punches with the heaviest hitters in the Game. I am proud that our education department, the Brave Dojo, has become a true force for teaching and education within the game.

I cannot, of course, take credit for the hard work of our other leaders, of our tutors, of the bittervets who sit in our Help channel and donate hundreds of hours a day to teaching newbies the error of their ways. Nor would I want to. It's our players who make us great - I'm just trying to herd them towards a common goal. However, I’ve guided and cajoled, threatened and wheedled us into something great, and now I want to represent the new player in New Eden to the game.

Bob knows I'm no expert on the game. I'm pretty terrible. I DON'T know who the major players in the game are. I DON'T know the history. I DON'T know the lore. I DON'T even know what a jita is. (some sort of minmatar probing frigate, right?) I DON'T know the best way to nerf an Ishtar.

I DO know newbies.

Brave and a lot of the other newbie friendly organisations do a fantastic job of attracting new players. Go sit in a help channel or trawl reddit for a while, I'm willing to bet that within about 5 minutes you'll see someone recommending Brave as a good place to start in the game. I love that - I love that people come to try us as a jumping off point. I hate that so many of those players never come back after their trial ends. I have the benefit of never kicking inactives, so I can see the damage that our failure to capture those newbies has done. I’m sure there are many thousands more, who’ve passed through E-Uni, RvB, Test, the Goons. Our new Player Experience is failing our community.

I want to change that.

I want to make it easier to look after new players. I want to see a full suite of tools become available to a corp leadership to make it easy to manage newbies. I recently gave some feedback to CCP Rise and Mimic about this very subject.

My platform is simple. Push the newbie agenda. Push the expansion of the game. Push the retention of newbies, push the new player experience. Keep them coming in. Keep them interested. Keep the game alive for you and for me.

I'll ask a million dumb questions every meeting. The other CSM delegates will get sick of answering them. I will not represent a bloc, or a faction, or a specific interest group other than the newbie. I represent the new player, and I represent corporations trying to assist them.

I am engaged in the Eve Community, having visited (and presented at) my first Player gathering at the Excellent EveDownUnder. You can see that presentation here.

I know that Brave doesn’t have a fantastic track record with CSM candidates. That’s a given. Matias Burned with revolutionary Zeal, but was unable to reconcile his real life obligations with the responsibilities of the CSM. I have a proven track record of working to accomplish goals, and I believe I am up to the challenge.

I’m very approachable, I listen to advice, even if I don’t always take it, I’m open to new information, and hope that I’ll make an excellent representative.

I ask you for your support.