
Character Created: 2015-01-06

Country: United States

Corp/Alliance: Destructive Influence/Northern Coalition.

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

Website: Talking In Stations

Twitch: TalkingInStations

Twitter: @matterall373



As a long time player and analyst of EVE Online, as well as a creator of EVE-related media, I'm running for a seat on CSM so I can bring a new perspective to the Council. My point of view is that EVE needs to capture the imagination, not only of current players but also of prospective players.

About Me

I am a writer, a speaker, a podcaster, and the founder of Talking In Stations, a clean news source for EVE Online. I have written numerous articles and presented at three conventions, where my focus has been on the great wars of the last five years. Here is a quick biography.

Origin Story

I arrived in EVE in 2008 and worked my way up Adhocracy, Dead Terrorists, Nulli and NC. I PVP'd in large and small groups and have played most aspects of the game; exploration, mining, industry, trade, and missions, all at various levels of intensity. At this point, I've made hundreds of billions on the markets, bought and sold Keepstars (the Perimeter Keepstar was one of mine), and even acted as a gunrunner for wormhole friends that needed a fully loaded battleship fleet to defend their home. I've also been a 3rd party for trades - structures and sov. I'm known as a neutral and trusted player, but more than anything I am a student of the game. My passion is to highlight what other players do in EVE and that's why I write and talk about the history and current events in EVE.

I've streamed EVE to 12,000 viewers for nine hours (Battle of 9-4), and also streamed the Eviction of HK and Judgement Day; where Gigx was banned live on stream. My work spans over 250 articles, 300 podcasts, and lots of live-event streams, including interviews with everyone from DBRB to Hilmar. All my work aims to get player stories out to the public.

EVE is a hobby that fits my real life well. I have worked in the Entertainment Industry in Los Angeles for seven years as a marketer and artist, as well as developing advertising technology for more than 16 years. I was even Wes Craven's assistant at one time, which taught me that the nicest people can have the most twisted minds! Perfect preparation for EVE Online.

About CSM

Most of what CSM does is work with the dev teams and the production leadership on the features, ideas, balancing, and messaging.

I can help with general marketing and messaging, with new player onboarding, player retention messaging, weaving lore into messaging, and creating an authentic livable Sci-Fi setting. I can also help CCP attract and keep new players because I have a background that proves commitment to working with various groups.

I believe I bring a fresh and unique perspective on the future of the game. Where many of the seats on the Council have historically been filled by game experts, with thousands of followers, my experience comes from interviewing players, researching history, analyzing patterns, and communicating with all types of different people, from CEO Hillmar to industrial experts, FC's to explorers, and lore enthusiasts to emerging players. I am as interested in Signal Cartel as I am in the Battle of UALX-3.


I don't have an agenda, nor am I thinking in terms of high-sec, low-sec, FW, or null players… those distinctions don't make sense to me. Most players dabble in everything so advocating for a particular demographic is not very useful, especially since the CSM doesn't get to push agendas as much as they get to react to CCP's development.

My core beliefs:

EVE should be complicated but not stupid. If a player loses all their ISK because they hit an extra zero before hitting return, that's stupid.

EVE can be casual, and players can live alone if they want to. It's not about who you know, it's about who you have the potential to know.

Players need to be held accountable for their actions.

There should be more avenues for players to build their reputations.

Scams are weak gameplay; clever scams are incredible gameplay.

Problem-solving players should be supported and rewarded.

Markets and industry need a form of active gameplay.

PVP isn't everything, nor is balancing over and over again as important as new features.

Next step

If you are familiar with my work and want me to talk directly to CCP designers, please vote for me as your first choice. Got a ballot, that's ok, put me in position one and then vote your ballot. Your people will get in, and I will too.

The only way I get into CSM is with your help, so I'm asking for your vote and your confidence that I can add to the development of EVE Online. Thanks very much.

As a long time player and analyst of EVE Online, as well as a creator of EVE-related media, I’m running for a seat on CSM so I can bring a new perspective to the Council. My point of view is that EVE needs to capture the imagination, not only of current players but prospective players as well.

About Me

I am a writer, a speaker, a podcaster, and the founder of Talking In Stations, a clean news source for EVE Online. I have written numerous articles and presented at three conventions, where my focus has been on the great wars of the last five years.

Here is a quick Origin story:

I arrived in EVE in 2008 and worked my way up Adhocracy, Dead Terrorists, Nulli and NC. I PVP’d in large and small groups and have played most aspects of the game; exploration, mining, industry, trade, and missions, all at various levels of intensity. At this point, I’ve made hundreds of billions on the markets, bought and sold Keepstars (the Perimeter Keepstar was one of mine), and even acted as a gunrunner for wormhole friends that needed a fully loaded battleship fleet to defend their home. I’ve also been a 3rd party for trades - structures and sov. I’m known as a neutral and trusted player, but more than anything I am a student of the game. My passion is to highlight what other players do in EVE and that’s why I write and talk about the history and current events in EVE.

I’ve streamed EVE to 12,000 viewers for nine hours (Battle of 9-4), and also streamed the Eviction of HK and Judgement Day; where Gigx was banned live on stream. My work spans over 250 articles, 300 podcasts, and lots of live-event streams, including interviews with everyone from DBRB to Hilmar. All my work aims to get player stories out to the public.

EVE is a hobby that fits my real life well. I have worked in the Entertainment Industry in Los Angeles for seven years as a marketer and artist, as well as developing advertising technology for more than 16 years. I was even Wes Craven’s assistant at one time, which taught me that the nicest people can have the most twisted minds! Perfect preparation for EVE Online.

About CSM

Most of what CSM does is work with the dev teams and the production leadership on the features, ideas, balancing, and messaging.

I can help with general marketing and messaging, with new player onboarding, player retention messaging, weaving lore into messaging, and creating an authentic livable Sci-Fi setting. I can also help CCP attract and keep new players because I have a background that proves commitment to working with various groups.

I believe I bring a fresh and unique perspective on the future of the game. Where many of the seats on the Council have historically been filled by game experts, with thousands of followers, my experience comes from interviewing players, researching history, analyzing patterns, and communicating with all types of different people, from CEO Hillmar to industrial experts, FC’s to explorers, and lore enthusiasts to emerging players. I am as interested in Signal Cartel as I am in the Battle of UALX-3.


I don’t have an agenda, nor am I thinking in terms of high-sec, low-sec, FW, or null players… those distinctions don’t make sense to me. Most players dabble in everything so advocating for a particular demographic is not very useful, especially since the CSM doesn’t get to push agendas as much as they get to react to CCP’s development.

Examples of my beliefs:

  • EVE should be complicated but not stupid. If a player loses all their ISK because they hit an extra zero before hitting return, that’s stupid.
  • EVE can be casual, and players can live alone if they want to.
  • Doing things is important, but building your potential to do things is a secret to longevity.
  • Players need to be held accountable for their actions.
  • There should be more avenues for players to build their reputations.
  • Scams are weak gameplay; clever scams are incredible gameplay.
  • Problem-solving players should be supported and rewarded.
  • Markets and industry need a form of active gameplay.
  • PVP isn’t everything, nor is balancing over and over again as important as new features.

Next Step

If you are familiar with my work and want me to talk directly to CCP designers and the CCP Marketing team, please vote for me as your first choice.

Got a ballot, that’s ok, put me in position one and then vote your ballot. Your people will get in, and I will too.

The only way I get into CSM is with your help, so I’m asking for your vote and your confidence that I can add to the development of EVE Online. Thanks very much.


TIS Discord Invite:

twitter: @ Matterall373