Zap InSpace

Character Created: 2017-05-19

Country: United States

Corp/Alliance: HC - Rise of the Fenix/None

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

Who am I? I am a former wormholer who is currently having fun running missions and engaging in war driven PVP in Highsec. I still enjoy taking long trips into spooky J-Space and participating in Bomber’s Bar public fleets. My average day in eve includes updating PI on my wormhole alts, scanning sigs in my current home region looking for pve content or good wormholes for some cloaky pvp content. My areas of interest include: • Systems designed to promote active 1v1 or small gang pvp • Subcapital pvp in both large fleets and small engagements • Keeping J-Space free of local and other K-Space crutches • Making Null dangerous again • Not ignoring Lowsec (I don’t spend much time here so I will need some help from the people here) • Giving the Sansha a break from incursions (read: more variety) • Promoting viability in more engaging gameplay styles, not nerfing the krab playstyle but improving alternate styles of play. I am open discussing other issues and pain point with the eve community. Why am I a good choice for CSM? I am not nor have I ever been a Nullsec block member. Any questions? EVE mail Zap InSpace and Ill try to answer your questions as quickly as I can.

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