The Judge

Country: Australia

Character Created: 2003/10/08

Corp/Alliance: Balkan Mafia/Circle-Of-Two

Reddit: _TheJudge

Twitter: @_TheJudge

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

EVE_NT - Written Interview

Ballot Statement

The Judge - Re running Permanent Attendee from CSM XI. First CSM ever with perfect meeting attendance. AUTZ capsuleer who represents all timezones and play styles. Currently nullsec based with years of experience in high sec and low sec space. Alliance tournament pilot and self proclaimed EVE addict. Vote The Judge #1!

Campaign Post

My name is The Judge and I am proud (and excited) to announce my candidacy for CSM 12.

Who am I?

I am The Judge, Judge or TJ. I am one of the 4 Permanent Attendees from CSM 11, and the only person to ever hold true perfect attendance in a CSM term. That isn't easy coming from Melbourne, Australia and playing in the AUTZ!

While I have rolled many characters and been known by many names since late 2003, I have been playing EVE full time since 2008. I strongly believe what makes EVE unique in a ever changing universe is the community that shapes and guides the universe we all take part in every time we open up the launcher and log in. EVE is a massive game fueled by the experiences of its players. It is you, the player, that I would like to represent for another year on CSM 12.

I am currently a member of the leadership team for the alliance Circle-Of-Two. I am also a proud member of the Circle-Of-Two Alliance Tournament team. I have lived for large amounts of time in both High and Low security space. I like to think I have my ear to the ground on the issues facing pilots from all over New Eden. I come to you not only as a candidate for Nullsec, but as a person who wants nothing more than to see EVE continue to succeed, evolve and grow.

Why should you vote for me?

My platform is quite simple. I want to continue to be the person you can voice your concerns and issues to. I want to make sure that every every concern that the EVE community has makes it to CCP and the rest of the CSM. CSM 11 has shown that with mutual respect between the CSM and CCP we can work together to bring EVE to a better place.

CSM 11 has been arguably the most successful CSM for both CCP and the CSM as an institution. We, as a group, have pushed through the negativity and distrust from the start of our term to bring the CCP-CSM working relationship into a better place than its ever been. This is in no small part due to the personalities of CSM 11. This is why I support the reelection of my fellow CSM 11 members who have decided to rerun.

With the change bringing the total number of CSM members down to 10 it's more important than ever to vote for the candidates you would like to see continue moving the CSM forward. Lowering the total members means bloc votes can only bring a candidate so far. Be an informed voter. People who promise you the moon are more often than not pandering to the masses. The CSM is a representative body for the playerbase, not something that can force the hand of CCP or bully developers. If you want to help EVE continue in an upward trend, please consider voting for either CSM 11 members or candidates who understand the function of the CSM. I will continue to be a staunch advocate for the playerbase and the CSM. This is why you should vote for me and the rest of CSM 11.

Closing remarks

How can you contact me?

Twitter: @_TheJudge

Ingame: Mail or convo The Judge

Skype: TheJudgeEVE

Reddit: _thejudge

In closing, I urge you to vote when the time comes, but be an informed voter. There are lots of candidates that promise you fixes or changes to your style of gameplay, and in all honesty, that's not something the CSM has control over. We are a sounding board, a focus group, consultants... not elected junior developers. The CSM needs mature people who can talk and act professionally in a business environment. I hope you find me worthy of your vote to again represent our amazing and unique community. Thank you.