
Character Created: 2005-11-11

Country: United States

Corp/Alliance: Horde Vanguard./Pandemic Horde

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

I have been playing this game for over 14 years in all stages of my growth until adulthood. I have seen the rise and fall of many organizations in null sec with very little change until 4 years ago with the rise of new player corps. I have seen the growth the game needed with the newer players come in and believe that the future of the game depends on the ones gained in the past years and the ones to yet have experienced the game.

By providing ways to increase retention of newer players I believe this game will continue to grow and evolve into something far stronger and better then the past 14 years. I wish to see improvements of the corporation utlities and ui available to allow the continued organization of contstant flow of players. Making the space easy to navigate but also challenging is a great balance to achieve.

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