
Country: United States

Character Created: 2007/12/30

Corp/Alliance: The Suicide Express/Rejection of Sovereignty

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Reddit Campaign Thread

Talking in Stations - Soundcloud - YouTube

Ballot Statement

I hold no sovereignty. I have no political agenda. I can make no promises as to what will happen when I am on the CSM. I want to be there to represent the community of EVE in all aspects of game play. This is an amazing game with some amazing people and I know we all want to see it grow and strengthen in the months and years to come. I've flown to the far reaches of eve, and participated in many different areas of eve. But even after playing for 10 years, there are aspects of the game I am still unfamiliar with. That's why I need you. I don't have a platform or a set of objectives that must be fulfilled. I don't have any illusions as to my ability or to force CCP to do anything it hasn't decided to do. What I can offer, all any candidate can really offer, is an open ear and a channel through which CCP can hear you, know you, and trust you, the community.

Slogan: No Sov. No agenda. No promises.

Overall goal: To see the growth of the eve community and the eve universe as a whole.

Overall strategy: To engage with players from the far corners of eve online in order to promote meaningful and engaging content for all aspects of the player community.

Passionate Rhetoric:

Let us see the universe expand not just in content, but in where that content happens.

Let us venture to previously unused areas of space in search of riches, battles, friendship, and industry.

Let us write a thousand stories as a thousand stories are written about us.

Let us see our future in the stars and know that those stars can be our future.

Eve is not just a game, but a community. We need both aspects to grow if we are to see this game thrive.

Message to the Gamer:

My name is Justin.

We've probably never met, but that won't stop me from saying hello. :)

I began playing eve in December of 2007. From 2008 to December 2009, I derped around as a super bad noob before joining a wonderful group of EUTZ guys that stayed up WAY too late and taught me a lot. We began participating in the sov wars out in Provi Bloc as a member of the now dead Slyph alliance.

After Sylph died my friends created an alternate group for Mercenary work and Hi-Sec war deccing contracts. We received several lucrative contracts from both friends and enemies of our former alliance. We also roamed through low sec and null looking for brawls and occasionally ran hi-sec PVE missions with new bros.

We were part of the initial wave of wormhole divers during their inception, though I was unable to accomplish much as I began attending college in the fall of 2009.

I returned to eve full time in 2013 and picked back up with some of my old friends from Slyph, now part of the Kill It With Fire alliance and operating out of C5-C5 space.

I joined PROZC and got back into the swing of PvP roaming with our allied corporations Ekchuah and HardKnocks.

From 2013 to now I have experiencing various aspects of eve's PvP and PvE environment, from BLOPS drops to Cap Warfare to the M-O Keepstar battle.

I have participated in NPSI fleets with Bombers Bar and Specter Fleet. I have gone on week long solo camping trips in the depths of J-Space. And I have learned to once again despise the long grind of L4+ mission running.

I have played the station trading games, running the markets and looking for the low buys and hi sells. I have also gone through HQ and Vanguard Incursion fleets, and seen the amazing fluidity of a well ordered and well commanded fleet.

I love eve and its many fascinating areas of play. There are boundless ways we can improve upon and change this game for the better, or for worse. I would like to represent the interests of the community as it grows, and encourage changes that will improve upon the growth and strength of the player base.

I am willing to listen to and hear what you have to say regarding anything else that is on your mind when it comes to eve. Feel free to message me any time in game or out of it. You can reach me at or message Claevyan in game.

Campaign Post

Slogan: No Sov. No agenda. No promises.

Overall goal: To see the growth of the eve community and the eve universe as a whole.

Overall strategy: To engage with players from the far corners of eve in order to promote meaningful and engaging content for all aspects of the player community.


I hold no sovereignty. I have no political agenda. I can make no promises as to what will happen when I am on the CSM.

I want to be there to represent the community of EVE in all aspects of game play. This is an amazing game with some amazing people and I know we all want to see it grow and strengthen in the months and years to come.

I don't have a platform or a set of objectives that must be fulfilled. I don't have any illusions as to my ability to force CCP to do anything it hasn't decided to do.

What I can offer, all any candidate can really offer, is an open ear and a channel through which CCP can hear you, know you, and trust you, the community.

I have experience with many parts of the eve universe, but not nearly all of it. Please message me or send a response with any questions, stories, or ideas you might have for eve online.

I want to hear from you!

Message to the Gamer:

My name is Justin.

We've probably never met, but that won't stop me from saying hello. :)

I began playing eve in December of 2007. From 2008 to December 2009, I derped around as a super bad noob before joining a wonderful group of EUTZ guys that stayed up WAY too late and taught me a lot. We began participating in the sov wars out in Provi Bloc as a member of the now dead Slyph alliance.

After Sylph died my friends created an alternate group for Mercenary work and Hi-Sec war deccing contracts. We received several lucrative contracts from both friends and enemies of our former alliance. We also roamed through low sec and null looking for brawls and occasionally ran hi-sec PVE missions with new bros.

We were part of the initial wave of wormhole divers during their inception, though I was unable to accomplish much as I began attending college in the fall of 2009.

I returned to eve full time in 2013 and picked back up with some of my old friends from Slyph, now part of the Kill It With Fire alliance and operating out of C5-C5 space.

I joined PROZC and got back into the swing of PvP roaming with our allied corporations Ekchuah and HardKnocks.

From 2013 to now I have experiencing various aspects of eve's PvP and PvE environment, from BLOPS drops to Cap Warfare to the M-O Keepstar battle.

I have participated in NPSI fleets with Bombers Bar and Specter Fleet. I have gone on week long solo camping trips in the depths of J-Space. And I have learned to once again despise the long grind of L4+ mission running.

I have played the station trading games, running the markets and looking for the low buys and hi sells. I have also gone through HQ and Vanguard Incursion fleets, and seen the amazing fluidity of a well ordered and well commanded fleet.

I love eve and its many fascinating areas of play. There are boundless ways we can improve upon and change this game for the better, or for worse. I would like to represent the interests of the community as it grows, and encourage changes that will improve upon the growth and strength of the player base.

I am willing to listen to and hear what you have to say regarding anything that is on your mind when it comes to eve. Feel free to message me any time in game or out of it.

You can reach me at or message Claevyan in game.

You can also fill out this awesome survey thing that google helped me make! (Trolls encouraged!)