
Corp/Alliance: Infinite Point/Nulli Secunda

Country: USA

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Ballot Statement

In my EVE online career, I've had a chance to at least mingle in almost every aspect of EVE; Highsec, Nullsec, WH's, and even a little lowsec. I've dabbled in industrial production, and at least tried to engage in faction warfare.

In all these things, I'd like to think that my experiences were "average". That is to say, while I didn't excel at everything I did, I have experienced it and understand the basics. I feel that I understand enough understand the concerns of different communities, and how they fit in the unique universe of EVE as a whole.

With such patches as Crius, Phoebe, and Rhea, all corners of EVE are rapidly changing, and I want to see for myself that all players best interests are kept in mind during these exciting updates to our game.

Campaign Post

What nullbear isn't? But, seriously folks, for those that don't read titles, my name is Aiwha and I'm running for CSM 10, you might have seen me shiptoasting around the EVEO forums or in a local chat ingame. I'm an active member of S2N a la N3 a la BoB... 4.0? Or is it 5 now? Any way, if you're CFC we're the bad guys (grrgoons ect), if you're not we're the good guys, and if you don't care you're lucky. But that's all besides the point.

The point itself is, you should vote for me as a member of your tenth CSM to CCP. I've been an EVE online player for six years, and in those six years, I have been "average". I've run level IV missions in highsec with the occasional frigate roam to lowsec, and did okay. I've been "the tiny inconsequential alliance nobody gives a **** about" in nullsec and gotten beaten to death by a more serious power, and did okay. I've done a little faciton warfare, and did bad. (It was bad.) ((We were bad.)) (((I am so, SO sorry about that.))) Now however, S2N and N3 are one of the big superpowers busy making angry eyes at each other whilst furiously milking our renter cashcows for isk to throw at each other. While my lifestory in EVE pretty much revolves around nullsec. On the side, I've also dabbled in WH living and exploration. Highsec manufacturing, and the exciting counterpart to "Skill Queue Online", "Researching Blueprints Online". (which is "fun" in the same way staring at a cake you didn't actually make in the oven is "fun")

Most of you don't care about that though. Most of you care about why I'm asking for your vote. I want your vote because odds are, I understand the basics of your lifestyle. I understand enough that I can voice your comments and concerns to CCP when shown the upcoming content to EVE online, and do my damnedest to see that your concerns are met with the response that they deserve. I want to be the guy looking out for the best interests of everyone. I want your vote because I want to listen to your story, and represent your concerns to CCP.

This is the part where I tell you things that I personally want to see changed/introduced/adressed. I'm going to try and keep it short, simple, and organized.


MOAR STRUCTURES! Not timers, structures. Stuff that can be blown up to make other people miserable. IHUBS are nice, but why are the IHUB services not like station services? Why can't I spend 8 hours in a SB blowing up that sexy little WH generator that's just asking for it?

MOAR STATION*!*wrecks Destructable stations. Personally, I think that's the holy grail of sov warfare. **** hellcamps, if they won't undock, burn it to the ground.

REMOVE KEBLOB! While giant 2000+ fights can be fun to hear about, they're a little less fun to actually do. We need to find a way to spread all the love and lag around so that its not just the big guys grinding against each other all day.

BUFF BLOPS! Just a little bit. So SB's and Bloppleships can be the those daggers in the dark they all were born to become.


MORE NEWBIES! WH space is desolate. (Its not dead, but its very empty) I want to promote more ways for newbies to see both the riches and danger of WH space, and become a new generation of crazy Mad Max capsuleers.

MORE MOVEMENT! Originally, CCP designed WH space as a place for us to temporarily inhabit before returning to known space. The forefathers said **** that and pioneered the modern WH lifestyle, and CCP thought that was cool as **** and let them stay. I would like to see more options for expeditionary style gameplay in WH's as well as the current lifestyle. (more people moving around means more chances for pew too)


PI REWORK! PI needs a little love. I mean, its called "passive" income, but goddamn my finger hurts from all the clicking.

BLUEPRINTS! Remember what I said about watching cakes bake earlier? If you read it? Its boring. You stick it in a slot, and wait till its done. Give people the ability to speed up their blueprint copying/researching by DOING something besides just training patience to V.

MINING Less clicking than PI, but equally soul crushing. It needs help. Minigames? Interactive in capsule strippers? Something. Anything.


Highsec is pretty balanced actually. At least in my opinion. Tank your haulers and don't whine when somebody tanks their hauler.


T2 resists for Recons!

Faction dreads!

2nd racial dread at least? You know, just for variety. I like dreads.


Its getting kind of awesome. Keep it up. More events like the T3 destroyer introduction with in game consequences would be cool.

See something you like? See something you dislike? Have an idea or concern that isn't addressed?


Allow me to repeat.


I will read (and try to respond) then write down everything I can from anyone that asks, and if I am elected, will keep a semi organized folder of your concerns on hand for all discussions with CCP and the rest of the CSM. I don't want to just be a CSM, I want to be your CSM.

As an avid forum warrior, I will do my best to answer any questions, comments, or concerns you want to leave here. Thanks for your time, fly safe.