CSM 10 Election

This section focuses on the election for the 10th Council of Stellar Management beginning 25 February. The candidates are hard at work trying to win the hearts and minds of the EVE player base. So are those who cover the candidates. Each candidate will have his/her own page with information. In addition, I'll list other sources of information.

A Helpful Hint On How To Use This Section

Running through all 76 candidates is a daunting task, so I have a suggestion on how to use the posts on CSM Wire to whittle down your choices. Each candidate's page lists the candidate’s statements that will appear on the ballot page along with their campaign post from the EVE-O forums. You can go down the list of candidates pretty quickly, read the ballot statement, and use that to narrow down the field.

Other Resources

The Cap Stable Podcast is conducting candidate interviews for the second year. In addition to candidate interviews listed on each of the candidate pages here on CSM Wire, the podcast has a dedicated page set up with candidate information. The podcast is also doing a round table discussion on the candidates whose interviews were published during the previous week.

The Just For Crits blog is sending out questionnaires asking candidates about low sec in general and questions tailored to each candidate's specific background. Marc Scaurus has done too many interviews to list, so head over to his blog to see who responded. He is also doing a review series of those candidates that have interviewed with both Cap Stable and Just For Crits.

Bellak Hark of the New Eden Media Organization has made several short videos featuring many of the candidates. He is intending on making more, but as he takes 2 hours to create each video, he may not complete a video for each candidate. I am including the existing videos on each candidate's page in an effort to make reviewing candidates a little easier. I'll add more as they become available.

The Down the Pipe podcast recorded a wormhold town hall meeting held on 15 February. The wormhole candidates who appeared were corbexx and Ariete, with Sugar Kyle making an appearance.

Foo's Eve Musings: CSM 10 candidate questions. Foo asked the candidates four questions:

  1. Why should my readers vote for you (TLDR version)?
  2. What one thing do you realistically want to fix in Eve?
    1. For existing CSM members, what one thing was the best fix you achieved?
  3. What is your solution to this one thing?
  4. What URL has more information about you?

At this point in the campaign, several blogs are doing reviews of the candidates.

Rhavas at Interstellar Privateer is not only a lore expert, but a long-time follower of the CSM election process as well. Expect more as the election nears.

Jakob Anedalle is doing reviews on Jakob's Eve Checklist pretty much following the Cap Stable Analysis Shows.

Lucas Kell at The Indecisive Noob is doing an indepth look at several candidates.

Also, several bloggers have issued their endorsements for CSM X:

Declarations of War Podcast

Gevlon Goblin - The Greedy Goblin

Jacob Anedalle - Jakob's Eve Checklist

Jeff Kione - EVE Altoholic

Kirith Kodachi - Inner Sanctum of the Ninveah

Lockefox - Prosper: An EVE Online Tool Development Blog

Marc Scaurus - Just For Crits

Neville Smit - NevilleSmit.com

NoizyGamer - The Nosy Gamer

Rixx Javix - Eveoganda