
Corp/Alliance: Common Sense Ltd/Nulli Secunda

Country: USA

Twitter: @GorgaEVE

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Ballot Statement

Working through and solving problems is something I do on a daily basis. Running an alliance and a coalition requires you to be able to sort through many different information flows to find and come up with solutions to many different issues. I would bring those same skills to bear on the CSM. I am an effective advocate for players, and I don't have some "platform" of pie in the sky ideas.

I will work with the development teams (and the CSM) as an effective advocate for the players. All of the players. Everyone has things they enjoy in our game and as long as there is positive progression with the development and effective player voice being repeated directly to the developers we will be able to continue to improve our game.

I don't like/advocate for the current 0.0 bring bodies meta. I am not a fan of a low number of large coalitions. I think that 0.0 should be accessible for smaller groups. I feel that many improvements can be made in 0.0 to improve the ability to survive within that space. I think that there is still a new player problem, that the process still is not good enough.

Campaign Post

Hi, I'm Gorga. I'm running for CSM X.

I had a really long post written out for this, talking about how and what the CSM does, and why running on some enormous platform pushing on lots of changes isn't the way to be honest about what you do -- I decided to shorten everything up for you. I will give you some background on myself as some of my RL and EVE experiences and how they may relate to my CSM term. I will also answer any reasonable question, basically an AMA.

I've been playing EVE at a very large scale for a long time now. I am the CEO of S2N and a major leadership figure in N3 (we don't really subscribe to the leader/follower mantra, coalition of willing/friends). I have a lot of experience with EVE at a large scale, as well as how player interaction, player groups, and many other out of game and in game mechanisms work. I have a hand in many different elements both in and out of the game, as many major decision makers do. I've also been involved pretty heavily with PVP theory crafting, fleet composition design, power projection, manufacturing, POS management, SOV management, money management, and a slew of other things.

I think my experience in all of these fields doesn't make me an expert in any of them. I know my limitations and where to draw the line on my expertise. That's where my RL and it's intersection with EVE comes into play, I have a lot of RL experience leading and contributing to teams both large and small from my work. I additionally now am employed in a Network/Systems Engineering position where I must be able to utilize my skill set to assist in the configuration/design/management of large and small networks I also rely on others to supplement my known weaknesses to ensure that our customer's needs are met. All of this will help me to contribute to the team in any meaningful way possible.

I also will make every effort (read: as my RL schedule allows) to be as open and transparent about the CSM process as the NDA will allow. I am not some major blogger nor do I have my own news source, but I think it's important that the players have some insight towards the CSM and as such I can say that I have an agenda item to run on that's directly game related. I would work with the CSM towards some sort of disclosure schedule where we would open up about whatever we can on a regular, frequent basis.

I also tend to be quite responsive towards direct personal communication. You can tweet me at @GorgaEVE or send me an EVEMail if you would like to discuss something in private or have some sort of feedback. I will also monitor and respond to everything I can in this thread up to and through the CSM elections.

Hopefully that's not too long winded and I didn't lose your attention. Also, sorry about the late notice :).

Proceed with the AMA.