Doris Andedarie

Character Created: 2015-04-25

Country: Singapore

Corp/Alliance: Sinner's Trajectory/Chain Smoking

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link


Since the start of Eve online in 2003, i have been playing this game on and off due to various reasons but i always come back due to the strong comrades i have spent good years of my life with - Like many of your, i think i spend good amount of time on skype and discord chatting with friends about the game vs actual game play.

Apart from RL family, Eve Online group is also another family which i hold dear to my life.

I have spent good years with many big corporates in Nullsec, Lowsec, Thera and Highsec in both Main and China server

My goal in CSM14 is to focus

Community Interaction and Synergy


Bot farms

Accessibility/Help for Non-English Speakers players (include: Gender Balance game play)

Hello Capsuleers from many lands,

I am Doris Andedarie. Born out of Old Man Star rear end. I play in the Asia time zone but i am practically on 23 hours a day to play with the finest members of Eve Online - US, Europe, Russia, CIS, LATAM, Asia, Australiasia time Zones.

Who am i?

An industrialist.

A ratter.

A Miner. (peaceful mining rock ‘music’)

Role Play follower/peasant


FC/PVP pilot

Yearly Santa isk giver @ Jita and Amarr

Fund / asset raiser for corps (new and old - with no strings attached)


Many of you may or may not know me. But since the start of Eve online in 2003, i have been playing this game on and off due to various reasons but i always come back due to the strong comrades i have spent good years of my life with - Like many of you. I think i spent good amount of time on skype and discord chatting with friends about the game vs actual game play.

Apart from RL family, Eve Online group is also another family which i hold dear to my life.

I have spent good years with many big corporates in Nullsec, Lowsec, Thera, Highsec and lately Wormholes in both servers. Shout out to my friends and followers to encourage me to apply for CSM since we get only rare few opportunity in life represent something dear. One chance in life to do whatever you’re gonna do; to lay your foundation. To make whatever mark you’re gonna make. Prayers to all my real life eve pilot friends who are not here with us today and think of the good times we’ve had.

In this game, there are many salty Winners and losers - and its all about the effort we make this make this game as it is - from good to greatness. Effort is between you and the thousands of players who log in daily. Every day is a new day. Every moment is a new moment.

My goal in CSM14 is to focus

  1. Community Interaction and Synergy
  2. NULLSEC and WORMHOLEs game play
  3. Bot farms
  4. Accessibility/Help for Non-English Speakers players (include: Gender game play)

Direction>: It is not about the Ideas that we have but the action and follow up + journey.

In the last few years, CSM have brought many great improvements to the game and my goal is to bring the player voice to CCP; + players who were left behind by the great improvements.

In summary, my aims for CSM14 campaign:

1. Community Interaction and Synergy

  • Enhance the community interaction between CCP leadership + synergize all players into one unique voice via various medium

2. Nullsec, Lowsec and Wormhole game play

  • To name a few:
  • Prevent mechanic stalemates and balance the game play between NS LS W Hole game play/warfare
  • NS LS conflict mechanics
  • Changes to Industrial related mechanics inside of wormhole space.
  • Bounty Hunting game play

3. Bot Farm identification and eradication

4. Accessibility and Help all racial and gender players

  • Non-English speaker player support
  • Better CCP help-desk help in actual time zones
  • Identify gender game style play

I am not here to make big promises to make CCP or CSM or your game play better; with a big stick behind my back. I’ve applied for CSM14 not for my recreation and disport but to be the link communicator between CCP and Player body at large (Main and foreign server)

How can you contact me?

IGN: Doris Andedarie

Discord: Dor1s#1839

Discord Channel: