Teddy Gbyc

Character Created: 2014-01-31

Country: United Kingdom

Corp/Alliance: Sinner's Trajectory/Chain Smoking

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

I have been playing Eve since 2009 and have had experience and lived in all types of space from null security when i first started to wormholes where I have lived for 3 years. Starting as a corp member in Shekel Squad I Became the EUTZ director for the majority of the life of the corp. From there i spent some time in Low security and participated in the alliance tournament. Now i am EUTZ director of Chain Smoking where we live in high class space.

Hey Nerds,

My name is Teddy Gbyc.

I have been playing Eve since 2009 and have had experience and lived in all types of space from null security when i first started to wormholes where I have lived for 3 years. Starting as a corp member in Shekel Squad I Became the EUTZ director for the majority of the life of the corp. From there i spent some time in Low security and participated in the alliance tournament. Now i am EUTZ director of Chain Smoking where we live in high class space.

In addition to being familiar with wormhole related gameplay, I am acquainted with roles, titles, structure management and corp organisation. I am a frequent FC for my corp’s fleets and am familiar with small/medium fleet combat across wormhole space. Finally, after years of being a content creator for various I am acquainted with what does and doesn’t motivate conflict and how gameplay changes can impact these.

Many CSM want to bring improvements to the game and I have a few of my own that I could provide when needed, however the main reason I want to stand is to provide wormhole space a voice against any changes that would negatively impact our way of life and attempt to stop us becoming “Unwilling collateral damage” again.

How can you contact me?

In-game: Mail or Convo Teddy Gbyc

Discord: teddy9110#6848