Mike Azariah

Character Created: 2008-09-06

Country: Canada

Corp/Alliance: The Scope/None

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

Twitter: @Mikeazariah

Blog: A Missioneer In Eve


Yes I am running again. For those of you somewhat new to this sort of thing? I served on CSM’s 8, 9, and 10

I still represent the people who tend not to vote, the new players and hisec carebears. I still think ganking is a thing that should stay and that the wardec changes have been good, so far.

I have a rep for saying what I think and doin what I say I will do . . . even if I am a spaceship politician.

I like Eve. I enjoy helping out where I can and am offering to represent the average players (whatever the hell that means) on the council. I am not a member of any corp, alliance, coalition. I play a game and want to see it keep getting better. If you agree that I can help do that then put me on your ballot

Yes I am running again. For those of you somewhat new to this sort of thing? I served on CSM’s 8, 9, and 10

I still represent the people who tend not to vote, the new players and hisec carebears. I still think ganking is a thing that should stay and that the wardec changes have been good, so far.

I have a rep for saying what I think and doin what I say I will do . . . even if I am a spaceship politician. Ask around, see who I am or ask below any questions you might have for me.

Bio type stuff? I am a retired teacher and I . . . oh you mean in game. I have played since 2008, served on 3 CSM’s (as mentioned above). I run Operation Magic School Bus in game helping out new pilots and am a regular in the Rookie Help Chat. You will find posts of what I think all over these forums. I am on twitter a lot @mikeazariah .

I like Eve. I enjoy helping out where I can and am offering to represent the average players (whatever the hell that means) on the council. I am not a member of any corp, alliance, coalition. I play a game and want to see it keep getting better. If you agree that I can help do that then put me on your ballot.

Any questions? Endorsements? Curses?
