Steve Ronuken

Twitter: @Fuzzysteve

Website: Fuzzwork

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Campaign Post

Once again, coming polling day, I'm looking for your votes

As with the last time I ran, my platform has two main legs; Industry, and Third party Development. There's a generous helping of other PvE interest in there as well. I spend most of my time in Highsec, so I'm sure you'll understand a degree of self interest there.

For those of you who don't know me:

I'm a Industrialist, doing relatively small scale T2 manufacturing in Highsec, doing so trade to feed the industry, along with being an additional revenue stream.

I'm also a third party developer, responsible for:

I'm also one of the primary sources for converted versions of the Static Data Extract, for all your Eve database requirements.

The past year's been a good one, with massive strides forward for the Third party development community. The SSO is up and running, with various sites now using it, and people working on ways to integrate it into others. Come Rhea, we should have the first authenticated CREST endpoint, allowing for almost real time Market Data queries. And we have a developer who has it as a primary job function, to build the tools, which let the third party community build tools for the general user.

Industry has taken some massive strides as well, albeit with a few missteps. Some things are a little too quick to make. Drug labs need a purpose. But in general, the interface is massively improved (now with a collapsing top

) and RSI is on the decline.

I can't take all the credit for the changes which have happened. CCP Foxfour and CCP Seagull have been driving things. However, what you gave them, through electing me last year, was a Mandate. That enough players cared about such things, that it needed a serious look, and serious work. Lets keep that mandate in place.

Over the next year, we should see a further roll out of CREST endpoints, enabling third party developers to build the tools to make things better for their users.

Corporation and Alliances are on the table to be reworked, and with the right input, they should be able to allow Industrial corporations to manage their risk better, gating access to resources in sensible fashions, giving them the ability to recruit, without the massive risk that can entail right now.

POS are going to be worked on, and all use cases need to be properly managed. From the POS used to park a super carrier, to that of a moon miner, or a POS stuffed with various assembly arrays and labs, singlehandedly increasing the manufacturing index several percentage points. None of those should be overlooked.

The scale of POS is also important. A unified system, scaling up from the personal depot, to the mighty outpost. A unified system where you don't need to tear down all your labs, to upgrade a medium tower to a large tower.

I'd (still) like to see more activities added to mining. I don't want to take away the 'target rock, turn on laser, wait' method, but I want to see the ability to mine in a faster, but less efficient fashion (asteroid chunks flying everywhere). I want to see a new way to find the asteroids in the first place. And finally, I want to see the ability to claim the asteroids you find for your corp, so someone mining them from under you, becomes a legal target for you. (I've written more on this elsewhere. It's longer than suitable for here)

We managed it last year. I'd like to think we can do it again. With your help and votes, we can continue to make a positive difference.

(And maybe we can finally get some decent hats)