
Country: United States

Character Created: 2004/05/09

Corp/Alliance: Macabre Votum/Northern Coalition.

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Ballot Statement

I started Eve long ago January 2004, shortly after my 24th birthday. I was in the U.S. Military for many years and lived all over the USA and even some other places around the globe. Becoming CSM will allow me to assist in making this game even better.

I started Eve long ago January 2004, shortly after my 24th birthday. I was in the U.S. Military for many years and lived all over the USA and even some other places around the globe. Becoming CSM will allow me to assist in making this game even better. I have played every aspect of the game from running my 1 man (40 alt) corp, and being senior alliance leadership, and a fleet commander once upon a time long ago, but mostly prefer manufacturing, mining, and trading. Don't get me wrong I like blowing stuff up too, but usually its my stuff that seems to do all the exploding. I hope to be able to contribute more to Eve as a CSM then I ever could before. Thanks in advance for all your support.

Campaign Post

Classification: UNCLASS//FOUO

To: All Pilots

Subject: Frezinviper for CSM XII - Candidate for EVE

I started EVE long ago in January 2004, shortly after my 24th birthday, and have been playing ever since. I have ~40 accounts with over 80 characters, have much experience in many aspects of EVE and have experienced everything the game has to offer at least twice (except being on the CSM). Becoming CSM member will allow me to assist all of you in making this game even better.

I have ran a 1 man (40 alt) corp for both Industry & PvP with much success (before they made ISBOXER illegal). I have been heavily involved in alliance leadership (several years in the past). I have commanded dozens of fleets (once upon a time long ago). However, I mostly prefer manufacturing, mining, and trading (IE making ISK Trillions). Don't get me wrong I like blowing stuff up too, but usually its my stuff that seems to do all the exploding.

If elected, I hope to be able to contribute more to EVE on the behalf of you (the ignored and misunderstood capsuleers) than I ever could before. Trust me or not, vote or don't vote, but if you want a voice that will not be ignored, then I am your candidate!

Thanks in advance for all your support (or constructive criticism).



Classification: UNCLASS//FOUO