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Eve Online Forum Posts

Campaign Post


my name is Fafer, the CEO of Tr0pa de elite. , and I’m announcing my candidacy for the CSM XI.

I’m known by most as The Cat Whisperer of Drone Lands, performing various tasks such as rental management for Brothers of Tangra and Shadow of xXDEATHXx, apart from intra-coalition coordination in order to help things work.

Primarily I’m running to represent the residents of the Drone Lands and make sure their feedback is heard, especially regarding the current state and upcoming changes to nullsec, such as citadels and other new structures, however I’m either expert myself in many areas of the game, or I have network of expert friends, so in the remainder I will present my experience and additional areas that I would like to represent as CSM.

Nullsec - sov mechanics and structures

My experience with sov and sov structures management and mechanics goes back to G00dfellas alliance in Immensea , and later AAA rental management program, however the height of my rental management career was becoming member of the group of 6 directors managing Brothers of Tangra, the biggest and most complex rental empire ever. As such I have expert knowledge and experience with TCUs, IHUBs, upgrades, station, station upgrades, sov transfers, POSes and POCOs, managing the sov, diplomacy, renter relations and associated problems and issues with the actual life in the nullsec. I would like to provide feedback and help, especially on usability and user interfaces of new citadels and sov structures, and remote structure management

Nullsec - Industry

As part of my work, I support and/or host lot of nullsec industrialists and supercap builders. Although not expert industrialist myself, I have vast network to gather the feedback on announced changes that will affect mentioned groups.

PVP Tournaments

I have been participating in many tournaments, such as NEO, SCL, Amarr Championship and I’m proud owner of 2 gold and 1 bronze AT medals. I think such tournaments are great fun, either to play or watch, and as CSM I will be supporting such events. Additionally, I will be presenting one idea that may greatly improve the experience and make organization much easier.

Mission running and roleplaying

At the start of my EVE career, I was passionate mission runner, and I think new and more complex missions are needed, especially related to roleplaying. I will be presenting several ideas to the willing developers.

Kind regards,
