
Country: United Kingdom

Character Created: 2007/09/22

Corp/Alliance: Pentag Blade/Curatores Veritatis Alliance

Podcast: Declarations of War

Reddit: Jintaan

Twitter: @JintaanEVE

YouTube: Jin'taan

Eve Who: Link

Eve-O Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Crossing Zebras

The Mind Clash Podcast 23

Statecraft CSM Debates - Day 2, Session 3

Talking in Stations - Soundcloud - YouTube

Ballot Statement

I am a candidate for communication & transparency within the CSM, as well as a keen focus on the issues of balance and iteration on stagnant features such as PI, Faction Warfare and PvE. I am an incumbent from CSM 11, and hope to continue my work with CCP on all of these topics.

I have worked hard within CSM 11 to bring forwards transparency and communication with both CCP and the general playerbase, having done fortnightly updates on the CSM, Quarterly Reviews which give an opportunity for people to gain an insight on the less publically active members of the CSM, and pride myself on being available on as many platforms as possible. I've also been a key driver of getting feedback from the general playerbase, leading townhalls and roundtables on various topics that weren't as well represented in the CSM, such as Ganking, Wardeccing & Hisec PvE. In addition I worked closely with Team Genesis to gather feedback regarding the recent NPE rework. I also have a great deal of experience in PvP - my true love in EVE - and have done everything from bloc level FCing to solo PvP, giving myself a strong basis in theorycrafting and practical application of balance which I can bring to CCP as a member of the CSM. Thank you for your time, and hopefully your vote!

Campaign Post

Hello all,

I am writing today to announce my decision to run again for CSM, having arrived home from the last Summit happy that I've done as I set out to do there. I feel as though I have both achieved and learnt a lot within CSM XI, and hope that you will consider me for re-election, so that I can continue to work with CCP as a representative of the community.

What Are My Goals?

My goals are – probably to no surprise to those who know me – nothing to do with specific changes. I don’t see that as a major part of the duties of the CSM, and I’ve attempted to correct that belief where I can. It is in my view, the job of the CSM to first and foremost investigate what the fundamental problems are, then to present this to CCP.

But, what I wish to do within my second term is much the same as I have already done;

- Promote iteration on stagnant features

- Provide consistent, neutral communication & transparency from the CSM

- Ensure that as many points of view are brought to the table in discussions

- Argue for an increase in balancing velocity

- Continue to drive the CSM-CCP relationship in a positive direction

And, if you vote for me, these are the things I will continue to work on.

What Have I Done?

The strongest of arguments come with evidence, so I would like to simply share what I have done in CSM 11 towards these goals,

I have taken attendance (with the aid of The Judge) on almost every CSM meeting that occurred during CSM 11’s term, to ensure that people are able to see what their representatives are doing, and hold them accountable. It should be noted that this is not the be-all end-all of metrics, but it is a step towards transparency in the CSM.

Alongside this, I have consistently produced a fortnightly CSM update, which has evolved as time has gone on from a very basic stating of discussion topics, to a more fleshed out attempt to archive what we are doing as best as possible within the NDA, providing a catalyst for community discussion with us on various topics of interest.

I also direct – along with other members of the CSM – the Quarterly Review, wherein every member of the CSM is given a platform to answer various questions and ensure that they are kept in touch with the community.

I have over the course of my term, also put together a series of roundtables addressing topics that I felt the CSM simply lacked – at the current time – the knowledge to fairly portray to CCP. This includes two roundtables on Hisec Ganking from both the aggressor and defenders side (the recordings of which were kept confidential upon the wishes of both parties), Wardecs (co-led by Toxic Yaken) and the New Player Experience. In addition to this I also ran a PvE Townhall, and participated in Noobman’s excellent Wormhole Townhall. I also suggested, ran and provided a final consensus from a Nullsec Content Creators Focus Group.

I have also been able to write and podcast extensively, taking a less neutral tact when discussing my own opinions on upcoming changes or problem areas within the game. A good example of this would be my “Safeties off, Gloves off” article, which I believe had an impact on the overall implementation of Alpha Clones, seeing as it highlighted the issues with the ‘X Omega + 1 Alpha’ argument that the community was making at the time in the context of Hisec Ganking.

I was heavily supportive of Hyde’s stance on Balance Frequency, and – as shown in the 1st CSM summit notes – was heavily involved in the discussion around not balance particulars, but CCP’s incredibly slow rate in dealing with problem ships within the meta, which leads to what I term a calcification of the meta, where something is so strong for so long, that every counter is explored, known, and solved. After this point, the meta grows stale, and quite frankly, boring.

I consider the rewrite to the whitepaper involving CSM 11, as opposed to CSM 10 who were mostly excluded from the proceedings, a key indicator of the trust and co-operation that we were able to bring to CCP-CSM relations this year. And all of CSM 11 were crucial in achieving that, so I cannot take much credit here, but I’d like to note it at least.

Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to say what things I’ve worked to highlight to CCP in terms of stagnant features, due to my own squeamishness at the edges of the NDA, and the sad reality that simply nothing may come of my efforts, as it may not be something CCP are able to fit into their schedule, or justify addressing from a business perspective. However, I would hope that my fellow CSM 11 members will be able to vouch for me addressing a wide range of topics with the intent of starting meaningful conversations with CCP on them.

What Do I Know?

In addition to this track record of communication and work within the CSM, I also bring my own areas of subject expertise to the table. I have a solid understanding of both Fleet Command and the larger picture of warfare in New Eden, as can be seen in various formats in my non-CSM related writings on Crossing Zebras, and in the video content I produce on my personal channel. I’m also familiar with solo PvP, specifically in Faction Warfare space, as can be seen in my solo PvP movies. I also use things other than frigates in nullsec solo PvP.

I also have a broad range of experiences that I bring to the table, having tried out the vast majority of careers in EvE before settling down in my current position in Providence as an FC, running the gamut from mining, reaction farming, Incursion FCing & PI work, all in varying spaces.

How To Contact Me

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here. However, if you want to talk to me more extensively or privately, I am available on a wide range of social media;

@JintaanEVE on Twitter

@jintaan on Tweetfleet Slack

Jin’taan//Sanctity [CVA]#9801 on Discord

jintaaneve@gmail.com is my email

/u/jintaan on Reddit

And, of course, you can directly mail me in game.

Thank you for your time, and more importantly, thank you for your interest in the CSM.