RF Gnaeus Crassus

Character Created: 2014/09/18

Corp/Alliance: Red Frog Freight/Red-Frog

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Campaign Post

Eve online is not a game, or better: Eve online is not ONE game. In fact it is a PvP game, A PvE game, a traders game, a management game, a production game etc. It’s is so various that one could say …. Eve is REAL!

As a proud member of Red Frog Freight I will run for CSM XI. Some of you allready have seen me at Gfleet 2015, Evesterdam 2014/2015 or Fanfest 2012/2015. Remember last Fanfest that bright tall handsome guy with long waving blond hair and a marvelous sweet voice? That wasn’t me.

I gave the presentation Pro Space Truckers on Fanfest 2015. There I told how much I like to be one of the non fighting guys, without hating the fighting ones. Eve is for all and all should be for Eve.

For me this means two things.

First about development:

The driving force is the PvP part. The more is destroyed, the more the other gamers have to do to fill up the broken parts. And for that it is not suprising that a lot of dev work goes into the big explosions, the shiny hulls and the dealing of damage.

But i.m.h.o. it is now time to spent some dev time too on other parts of Eve. The exchange and courier contractmanagement in Eve is…, well…, not up to date at the least. Think in terms of standard contracts, standard terms for contracts to you or your corp, less clicks/pages per contract. There is a lot to talk about when looking at contracting.

The way we can handle our assets in Eve is terrible. Little things like stacking at a distance hangar, easy splitting of a big stack in a hangar, making easier filters that one can save. A total overhaul of the asset window is needed.

Hauling asssets can be a pain. Containers that need to be station traded? Why? Or what to think of the removal of the 200 items per contract limit? One could also think about a way to set your destination from a courier package?

Second about the pilots:

A big part of the pilots are Non PVP. One could say: “If they don’t want to fight, let them play another game”. But who will make then the shiny ships and the tons of ammo you need to blow up things? Who will haul your stuff while you take down a Titan? In an economy so complex as that of Eve we simply need those pilots big time! And a lot of them.

Although I am not saying one must not shoot at them, I don’t think that making them sitting ducks is the way to go.

We need them and after all they do pay for subscriptions as well, so we should not totally neglect them in dev time. And when they can do their stuff easier and in less time…maybe you will some day find one of them at YOUR six

Putting me in CSM XI would not give you the man in the CSM with the answers. I am good, but not that good

. If I had all the right answers I would post them here and be done with it.

Putting me in CSM XI would give you someone there who would made sure these issues will be on the table and talked about. And then help the pilots and the devs to come to the best solution for this. To make sure there will be time for non PvP related issues and for non PvP player issues. To make sure we try to make a better game for all, not just for a happy few.

Be assured that if we can get population to 50k, that means a lot of targets more, and more to produce and haul also. We need more new players without dumbing the game down. It is and should be a game where one has to work to achieve things.

And believe me. At the end,all will benefit. especially the PvP pilots. More time for all to spent in space hitting stuff, less time clicking in a hangar.

I even have ideas about T4 ships …

Regards and good luck to all others running for CSM XI

(PS You all know that XI in Holland is called the fools number? Who then would suit better then a crazy frog ?)