Capri Sun KraftFoods

Country: United Kingdom

Character Created: 2013/06/03

Corp/Alliance: Hard Knocks Inc./Hard Knocks Citizens

Blog: Capri's blog

YouTube: adamskyride

Reddit: caprisunkraftfoods

Eve Who: Link

EVE-O Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Reddit AMA

Statecraft CSM Debates - Day 2, Session 3

Talking in Stations - Soundcloud - YouTube

Ballot Statement

Long time null sec FC and logistics manager, now also living in wormholes

After working for almost 3 years creating content in null sec in Black Legion, TISHU and TEST, I've gained a huge wealth of experience and knowledge about the mechanical and political workings of this game. More recently I've moved a lot of characters into W-Space and am splitting my time 50/50 between the two areas.

My main goal right now is that null sec is lacking in quality content generators, and I'd like to help fix that.

Campaign Post


I am here for submit my candidacy of Stellar Management Council.

About Me

I started playing EVE around summer 2013 as a newbro in TEST. Since then I've spent a ton of time in mostly null, some low and more recently w-space groups. In brief:

  • TEST - June 2013: As a newbro, just spent time learning the game during the Fountain war. Eventually left to go try some other stuff after the evac from null was announced.
  • EMP - November 2013: Joined a new friends corp. Spent the Halloween war flying with this N3 affiliated alliance that disbanded just a couple weeks after B-R. Joined my longest term corp TSK in the fallout of that disband.
  • FCore - February 2014: As honorary members of Fountain Core, we spent months harassing and ultimately playing a major role in the disband of Li3. Got my legs for NPC null here.
  • Black Legion - May 2014: TSK was invited to join BL and we had an absolute blast. I wore a lot of hats helping out with a ton of things and became quite trusted here, making a name for myself as someone who could get stuff done. Ended up leading the alliance to it's eventual disband in September 2015.
  • TISHU - October 2015: TSK joined a growing TISHU along with a couple other BL corps. I helped out a lot here and started FCing more regularly. We participated in the whole of WWB alongside PL, and had a ton of fun working out and shamelessly abusing the new strengths of supercaps in low numbers scenarios for the few months after Citadel where the rest of the game hadn't quite worked out how they worked yet.
  • Hard Knocks - August 2016: After TISHU disbanded I wanted to try something a bit different and give wormholes a shot. Sold all my supercaps and joined HK, absolutely great call. I've had a blast with these dudes so far and getting familiar with W-space completely purged the feelings of bitterness I was starting to have with the game.
  • TEST - September 2016: A few weeks after joining Hard Knocks, I put a couple alts back into TSK who had now joined TEST. Here I had a ton of fun FCing on the other end of the blob. I ended up FCing the majority of the large fights in the Tribute war that's just closed up. It was a super fun experience, but after a couple months I realised that large sov null alliances still weren't my thing and left on good terms.
  • AVRSE - December 2016: After leaving TEST, I joined up again with my old friends from TISHU in AVRSE. My main character there is Capri Sun SUPERFOODS.

tl;dr: I've been in a lot of places and generally contributed a lot wherever I've went because EVE is only fun for me when I'm playing a highly independent role.

The last year I've started a controversial blog and started doing a lot more youtube content.

Candidacy Summary

I've heard from a lot of folks who've served before that anyone going into the CSM with an agenda will be disappointed. I don't want to be that person. My view on it hasn't changed from this answer I gave during my run last year.


A sounding board.

CCP have a lot of smart guys, but they have a very top down view of the game. Like if you want to take supers, they can answer questions like "how many supers are there in the game?", but they can't possibly know the answer to questions like "how many of them can't be bothered logging in for ops?" and "how many people are looking to sell them?". The answers to questions like that however are pretty obvious to anyone who's "involved" in playing the game regardless of which group they're in. The stats might show capital usage is up, but what they won't show you is it's because dumbos can now safely shoot that hostile poco in Omist with their ratting carrier instead of an Oracle, rather than because actual interesting PVP is happening.

In short I think a lot of the decisions I and many others regard as bad don't come from incompetence on CCP's part, but rather come from mistaking a playerbase that's adapting to a change for one that's enjoying a change. Conveying which is which I think is THE role the CSM has to play in 2016/17, especially with the huge changes that are coming.

If you're looking for my views on specific issues I'll answer them any in this thread and will likely do an AMA nearer the time, but generally speaking my views haven't changed too much. The biggest change I'd say is that my concerns over Structures have mostly been alleviated after seeing them in practice for 6 months now.

I think with the likely removal of POSes, potential changes to Aegis Sov (of which I've been a strong critic), and major changes to r64s coming up, it's just as important this year as last.

If you want to contact me, feel free to evemail me or poke me in #csm on tweetlfeet slack.

Cheers, Capri