Sion Kumitomo

Corp/Alliance: Goonwaffe/Goonswarm Federation

Country: USA

Twitter: @siggonK

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Ballot Statement

I'm Goonswarm's Chief of Staff and Lead Diplomat and I'm currently serving on CSM 9. Priorities over the next term, if elected, are to bring the CSM into line with the new release cadence and to bring much needed transparency to the CSM process. If the CSM is to best serve the player base, it must be accountable to the player base.

Campaign Post

Hi. I’m running for CSM again.

As I said last year, I’m not running on a platform, I’m running on a skillset. I’m still a goon. My experience and space resume remains largely the same, albeit a year more of it. The only difference between this year and last is that I’d add to it my time as CSM. But what a difference a year makes.

If you’ve read the minutes, you’ll know that I have a wide variety of opinions on a wide variety of subjects. I’ve written on TMC about the intersection of mechanics, player motivation, and psychology. I’ve done some investigative journalism, and I’ve also been party to public criticism directed at CCP. I’m still committed to the idea that EVE is about relationships. At this point, anyone voting for me should know what they’re getting. In the immortal words of Popeye, “I yam what I yam and tha's all what I yam.”

In my campaign thread last year, I expressed hope that CCP had a plan for 0.0 and an understanding of how nullsec works. While there are a couple singular exceptions, CCP lacks both a plan and understanding. This is why I’m running again. I’m quite sure they’re all well intentioned, but nullsec is a unique and complicated ecosystem. I understand it far better than they do, and I’d rather they not introduce cane toads.

When I started my term last year, I had certain expectations of how the CSM worked and what it meant. For a hardened space politician, I was unfortunately naïve. That naïveté is gone. After hearing the CSM called a “PR tool” by one of CCP’s public relations people, I know where the CSM stands. After many of the disparaging comments made to me directly, I know where I stand. The new release cycle makes it harder than ever for the CSM to have input and be heard. The institution requires strong, professional voices from people with the confidence to, if necessary, fight. Because that’s what it takes, not sycophantic CCP apologists, not rabid anti-CCP detractors. It’s a tough balance to strike, and the people you vote in dictate the effectiveness of the institution itself. Vote wisely.

I’m a straight shooter. You might not always like what I say. CCP certainly doesn’t. But you’ll always know what I think, and why.

You’re quite welcome to mail me about various matters, but if you have any nuanced platform questions, please drop them here in thread as I’m not going to respond to EVE-mails asking for multi-paragraph explanations. It’s nothing personal, I simply don’t have the time to write a thousand mini-essays. I can also be reached on twitter @siggonK.