Gorski Car

Character Created: 2009/05/03

Corp/Alliance: Sniggerdly/Pandemic Legion

Twitch: Hkarn

Twitter: @GorskingCar

Eve Who: Link

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CSM Watch Interview: Link

EVE_NT Interview: Link

Campaign Post

Hello friends

Today I feel like it's a good day to announce that I am going to run for CSM XI. I hope that I can get a full term this time after doing two half terms getting in after other people drop out.

I am Gorski Car a solo/small gang pvper that has been playing eve for a long time. My first character is from 2004. At the moment I am a writer for Crossing Zebras. You can find all my articles here: http://crossingzebras.com/author/gorski/.

I am also a moderator on the reddit eve community r/eve and I post quite frequently there on https://www.reddit.com/user/Gorski_Car/. I recently finished running a decent Secret Santa and we are doing the r/eve top 5 of the year at the moment.

Ingame I am currently in Pandemic Legion and Sniggerdly but I am also part of the therabois group doing small gang pvp from Thera.

I would think my main areas of focus at the moment are:

  • Solo pvp
  • Small gang pvp
  • Faction Warfare
  • PvE (mostly Exploration and PvE in dangerous parts of eve)
  • WH PvP

During my first two half terms I have managed to provide feedback on a lot the current stats for ships in the game with many in the game already. I have also been part of the t3d and Capital focus groups. For this next year I am going to try and provide feedback on whatever CCP want us to provide feedback on with a solo/small gang perspective

Contact info:

Ingame: Gorski Car (mails > convos)

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Gorski_Car/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GorskingCar

Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/hkarn

Tweetfleet slack: Gorski_Car

Feel free to ask me anything here or in the Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/3y696v/gorski_car_for_csm_xi/