Mangala Solaris

CSM 9 Campaign Post

Just a short year ago, I posted a thread like this one, asking for you all to support me in my candidacy for a position on the 8th Council of Stellar Management. You found it in yourselves to provide me with that support and since April 2013 I have served as a delegate on the 8th CSM.

I come to you today to ask that you renew that support and elect me to CSM 9.


For those who do not know me, I have been playing solidly for over seven years and in that time I have been an industrialist, a mission runner & over the past few years an avid pvper. I currently live in Empire, where I am a Director in RvB. During my time in RvB I have gone from regular line animal to one of the key enablers within that community. In fact the work I do with RvB has spilled over into the wider EVE community thanks to my work expanding RvB Ganked into one of EVE’s premier public events & larger social groups. More recently I have also begun writing a regular column for the Crossing Zebras site looking at various aspects of EVE from my rather unique point of view.


During my time serving on CSM 8, I have continued to be a very active delegate, including attending the majority of the regular stakeholder meetings, the Summer Summit via remote & the Winter Summit in person as well as several Townhalls. Additionally I have been involved in many, many discussions and debates with both CCP & my fellow delegates, and I will admit when I feel I lack the knowledge to contribute well enough, I at least have asked questions of those who do understand the topic at hand.

Why elect me to CSM 9?

Last year I ran on a platform of continued balance changes and quality of life additions to the client, I will continue to maintain this focus during my term on CSM 9, after all it is the small things that really let us enjoy EVE, as the improvements implemented by CCP Karkur have proven to popular acclaim. When it comes to the big ticket items and changes to them, items like drone assist, power projection, sovereignty warfare and many others, I will endeavour to represent the views of my fellow enablers from within the EVE community as well as the little guy; The guy who believes they do not have a voice in the process that is the evolution of EVE. I will not shill for one group over another, or favour one special interest over another.

I do have things I would love to see implemented into the game, who doesn't? Tools that enable the formation of social groups in EVE, beyond those offered by chat channels & mailing lists; Tools that let enablers like myself undertake larger projects that involve more community interaction; More reasons for people to be in space exploding one another be it in high sec, low sec or null sec.

Additionally, I feel I can offer continuity to CSM 9 by taking my experience of the CSM process forward, enabling CSM 9 to spend less time rediscovering how the CSM works, and more time representing you on the issues that matter.

How to contact me

I can be reached via evemail, twitter and even skype (jon.simmers). My door is always open, I may not reply in a timely fashion but I will listen, I will get back to you, especially if I disagree with you!

Please feel free to ask questions of me in this thread, I want to see what you all have to say and do my utmost to demonstrate why I should continue to represent you on the Council of Stellar Management.