
Character Created: 2009-09-07

Country: United States

Corp/Alliance: Interstellar Expeditionary Group/Einstein-Rosen Brigade

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

WH candidate looking to bring more useful tools and conflict to the game.

I have been playing Eve since 2009 and have had experience and lived in all types of space from high sec indy corps when i first started, to null sec alliances, to wormholes. I have spent most of my time in Wormhole space and continue to live and operate out of wormholes.

Wormhole space is the counterpoint to high sec and null sec: it allows for, and encourages, smaller groups in general and allow for more opportunities to PvP and PvE given the random exits and connections. The absence of local, and reliance on d-scan improve a player’s situational awareness, and stresses reliance on corp and alliance mates for long term success.

I’d like to bring more of that approach–smaller groups, greater cooperation–to the table when talking to CCP and other CSM members.

What I plan to do as CSM:

Advocate for Alliance bookmarks

Alliance bookmarks would be a huge step toward improving communication and cooperation among multiple corporations. Alliance bookmarks would increase the visibility of the shared space that multiple corporations call home. It would also be a step toward encouraging groups of corporations to move into wormhole space.

Encourage more social features such as making public fleets easier to make and find for newbros and vets.

One of the most challenging aspects of starting to play EVE is how to meet people. NPSI or public fleets allow new players that have yet to meet others in game and want to get into a group either for PvP or PvE

Try to bring more conflict back to all space including high sec

Most conflict today varies little between blobs, and catching pilots off guard, and fights are driven by KMs and accumulating green on the killboard. There is very little conflict driven by scarce, valuable resources – very little conflict that could be sustainable over time.

What value would I bring to the CSM?

I’m not attached to the outcome of a discussion – I’m more interested in understanding all the angles to a proposed solution, and comfortable playing devil’s advocate to stress test ideas on the table.