
Country: Chile

Character Created: 2008/08/05

Corp/Alliance: SQUAD V/DARKNESS.

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Ballot Statement

Hello im Afropty and im doing this i dont know why, some people told just be a candidate... so here i am :)

Campaign Post

Greetings, my name is Afropty.

I have been playing Eve Online since 2008 and would like the opportunity to collaborate with CCP on improving the game.

I am very grateful for my experiences in EVE. It has given me the opportunity to meet many great people from multiple countries. Many have helped me to get a greater understanding of the game, and I have developed some great friendships in the process.

The most challenging part for me is that communication in EVE is predominately in English, and I am Chilean. I have learned to play by the teachings of my fellows in English.

I would like to improve the game for Spanish speaking players. I have come to realize that there are many others like me who speak Spanish primarily, which is cool.

Eve online is a big interactive game community and I would like to be part of the team making this game better for everyone.

I hereby offer myself as a candidate for CSM, and humbly ask for your support.