
Country: United States

Character Created: 2006/04/10

Corp/Alliance: Hard Knocks Inc./Hard Knocks Citizens

Reddit: NoobmanHK

Twitter: @NoobmanHK

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Statecraft CSM Debates - Day 1, Session 2

Ballot Statement

Wormhole Candidate - Incumbent

I'm not here to make armchair developer promises to you of what I'm going to push for. The things I bring to the Summits and to the everyday developer chats are direct feedback from our wormhole community. When we meet to prepare for the Summits, everyone is invited and we have a positive discussion of the problems we have and priorities we want voiced to the Devs. I re-listen to those recording and re-read the tons of evemail I get and prepare an hour long presentation for the Devs.

I think over the past term I have earned the respect of the wormhole community. And those that were on the fence during my first campaign are much more comfortable with how I work as a CSM. From Low class to High class I represent us all fairly. I'm very approachable so if you have any question feel free to contact me.

Campaign Post

Hey everyone, Today I am announcing my candidacy for CSM XII!

If you can't tell by the forum badge or just don't know who I am, I am a member of the current CSM XI. I am also the Operations Director in Hard Knocks Inc. a C5 Wormhole corporation.

I am running on the platform of vote for me if you respect what I have done during my time on CSM XI.

I'm not here to make armchair developer promises to you of what I'm going to push for. The things I bring to the Summits and to the everyday developer chats are direct feedback from our wormhole community. When we meet to prepare for the Summits, everyone is invited and we have a positive discussion of the problems we have and priorities we want voiced to the Devs. I re-listen to those recording and re-read the tons of evemail I get and prepare an hour long presentation for the Devs.

If you examine the minutes, you can see during the wormhole session that I used every minute I had to get your feedback across. The wormhole sessions were unique from all the other sessions, because I was armed with your thoughts and was prepared to present them. No other session was driven by one CSM. Of course other CSM were welcomed to give their opinions during my requested session.

So where can you see what I've done?

CSM 11 Summit One Notes (September 2016) Reddit thread comparing my talking points

CSM 11 Summit Two Notes (February 2017)

Wormhole Townhall to Prep for Summit One Recording: here and Reddit thread

Wormhole Townhall to Prep for Summit Two Recording: here

CSM Feedback Request: Map/Dscan/Probe Scanner UI (3 months ago) Resulting Devblog

Recent Media: (will update during campaign)

THE Open Comms Show - 10 February

My contact info:

Reddit /u/NoobmanHK

Twitter @NoobmanHK

Tweet Fleet Slack : @noobman

I think over the past term I have earned the respect of the wormhole community. And those that were on the fence during my first campaign are much more comfortable with how I work as a CSM. From Low class to High class I represent us all fairly. I'm very approachable so if you have any question feel free to contact me.

If you think I'm the CSM candidate for you then I would appreciate your vote.
