Decimat Draconia

Corp/Alliance: Manson Family/Advent of Fate

Country: United Kingdom

Eve Who Link

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Ballot Statement

It’s a Sunday and I have spent the entire day playing Eve. After a successful fleet, a small splinter group of dedicated PVP'ers make the two jumps from our station to camp a pipe, which is pretty much all we do while we're logged in. An hour passes with one or two kills, then with a perfectly executed manoeuvre we make our glory kill.

I'll take the ammo drop… more ammunition for my campaign!

I have one agenda item as part of my bid for CSM, fix null. Will it impact on every other aspect of the game, highly probable, will you benefit, definitely. I don’t believe the mechanics to fix null-sec exist in-game, and the next CSM will redefine Eve as the best MMO ever made.

Eve is one of the only games I've played for the past 7 years. I am a qualified lecturer in games development, gaming is not only in my blood it is my bread and butter.

I promise to be the best council member to ever represent the Eve community.

Campaign Post

None (As of 20 February)