Stellan Crendraven

Country: Dominican Republic

Character Created: 2012/11/17

Corp/Alliance: Star Frontiers/Brotherhood of Spacers

Twitter: @minustar

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

EVE_NT - Written Interview

Ballot Statement

Null-sec dweller wanting to encourage a dynamic community across the entire game.

Played EVE for more than four years without interruption. Has tried living in HS and Sov 0.0 with short bouts in LS. EVE is above anything else a social simulator and I believe that we should strengthen social avenues in the game. Also let's shake the foundations of established groups to enable content creation.

Campaign Post

Greetings, capsuleer!

Or as the old intro used to say dare to be bold! So here’s my being bold.

I am a member of Brotherhood of Spacers, a sov-null alliance currently holding space in Perrigen Falls. While a member of an alliance, I am not being a candidate for this alliance only, although my focus might be weighted towards 0.0 as it is the area of the game I am most familiar with.

I am a candidate for you the players: the real strength of EVE Online.

Through my years of playing this game, I have really come to realise that the primary strength of this game is the social structures that exist within the game. I’m not necessarily speaking of alliance or corps, but also of communities like the Incursion communities, groups like Bombers’ Bar, Spectre Fleet, or channels like Broadcast for Reps.

I would love for those community aspects to be strengthened even perhaps through in-games means, perhaps UI/UX-wise.

My second point is that this great game needs to remain dynamic. While groups can start a chain of events that lead to great content like the recent Tribute War, I feel that CCP could help motivate this kind of change. I will not claim that I have any ready-made answer as to how CCP could help the ball moving, but I will gladly participate with my input of whatever changes CCP might present to the CSM.

As your CSM, I will strive to be your voice. While I do not keep a blog, or host a podcast, I am an ever present part of my alliance’s online and offline presence. My alliance mates, and people beyond the confines of my blues, know that they can count on me when the need arises.


I have played EVE since November 2012 when I created my first character. Less than a day in the trial, I chose to subscribe as I found the scenery beautiful. After spending some time in my newbro days in a small corp, I went my own ways towards highsec missioning in my solo corp. While I didn’t take part in massive fights, I followed the EVE metagame on Twitter, Reddit, and through forums and blogs. I am an active member of #tweetfleet and will gladly partake in any discussion about the future of the game (hence my candidacy).

Following the 2014 “This is EVE” trailer, I decided to shed my HS hem and join with Brave Newbies Inc. where I learnt so much. I have forged some of my strongest friendships with the people with whom I have shared space, corp, and comms.

I am currently fulfilling some non-critical roles in my alliance. I have worked with recruitment, diplo, and some light small gang FC’ing. I think that being a CSM would not impact my current roles.

In my real life, I work for the Main Library of Copenhagen in the logistics dept. My work hours allow me to dedicate most of my free time to EVE.


Finally, I’m always available on Twitter @minustar or in game. I pride myself in answering every eve-mail I should receive. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

And with that,

Fly safe, dangerously, or however you like.

o7 Stellan C.