Vic Jefferson

Character Created: 2012/12/11

Corp/Alliance: Stimulus/Rote Kapelle

Eve-Who: Link

EVE-O Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

CSM Watch Interview: Link

Campaign Post

Everyone wants to log on and create content, be part of a fight, get rich and/or acquire something, build something as a team, or otherwise partake of some chaos and hilarity. However, in the current state of EvE, this can be an actual challenge, for many reasons. The population distribution across space challenges content creation, and the accessibility and availability of income streams make some regions totally inviable for living, while pigeon-holing others into regions 'for' a particular purpose, which I feel is anathema to the design of a proper sandbox.

I do not believe I have experienced the game from every angle, not nearly, but I do believe I am in a good position to voice player issues and opinions as player of this game, first and foremost. Here are some of the issues that I personally feel need addressing the most, of which I will elaborate in full detail in future posts/updates in this thread, though many will be recapitulations of previous posts and input on the matter.

A)Speed creep and/or the kitey meta.

This has gotten a bit better since the recent changes.

B)Warp speed.

C)Income accessibility and availability.

D)The Importance of NPC null for new players and post-Phoebe capital logistics.

E)Wardecs, HiSec content creation in general.

F)Fozziesov, the newbie factory farm, brought to you by two separate and dissonant entry bars.

G)AFK gameplay is bad gameplay. Two carrots is better than two sticks.

H)Jump ranges and jump Fatigue.

I)Exploration as a profession has died thanks to escalations/saturation

J)Suburbanization of lowsec.


Feel free to contact me in game, or by posting here directly. I want to work for you, and make New Eden a place people are talking about! I look forward to your questions, comments, and issues!