Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci

Character Created: 2013/03/29

Corp/Alliance: Jovian Labs/Jovian Enterprises

Twitter: @anteovnuecci

Reddit: /u/Nickosaurus

Eve-Who: Link

Eve-O Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

CSM Watch Interview: Link

Campaign Post

Hello, pilots!

Uriel "The Dreamy Lore Guy" Paradisi Anteovnuecci here: now's as good a time as ever to announce my run for CSM XI! There's a lot I know I plan to bring the table within my area, and I'm happy and eager to represent the part of the EVE community I'm involved with.

From day 1, I've been hooked on EVE; after accidentally clicking an ad on youtube and arriving on EVE's website, I decided to look into it. What started as bored exploration turned into many hours of reading background, chronicles, and every short story on the backstory section of the community page. After testing the waters with a few trials, I subscribed, and I've been hooked ever since~♪

Uriel's been around for close to three years now, and I've been playing EVE for about 3 and-a-half. In that time, I've become deeply involved with the game's lore, RP, and live event crowds. I've worked with many players to uncover secrets, craft plausible theories, and explore things on SISI far before they hit TQ in some cases. Most recently, I've been participating in events surrounding the Drifters, from Caroline's Star (which we just found out a whole lot more about), to the Antikythera Element and Entosis Link, to their effect on the Jove Observatories and the consequently obtained Observational Logs (SCOPE feat. Uriel~), the first explorations of the Drifter Hive complexes (finding Dr. Tukoss's body as well), and the events leading up to Jamyl Sarum's in-world death (and the first rounds of the Amarr Championships following that).

Beyond that, I've participated in just about every live event that's happened since I've started playing, and I've apparently become known as a walking encyclopedia for just about anything lore-related, and anything at all concerning the Jove. It's certainly a nice feeling when people come to you for help; and it's always felt great to help anyone interested on their way to finding a good experience in the game. I've had an insanely good time in EVE so far, and I'd like to do all I can to help others enjoy it just as much, through the CSM.

- Involvements


Well-versed in the Lore and Backstory of EVE

High involvement in Live Events and current World Events

Major Role Playing involvement (Arek'Jaalan, Amarr Championship Captain for Kor-Azor in round 1)

Speaker on Hydrostatic Podcast Lore Panels (+ feat. in Emergent Threats Trailer)

Moderator and active member on Tweetfleet Slack (come and join us!)

PVE (Drifters, Incursions, Hive Sites, Exploration)

Routinely trawling the game database in order to identify new typeIDs and assets (now that Darkblad has quit)

- Platform:

First off, I'd like to say that these are things I'll voice and support, not absolutely change or be able to do. Any candidate who says "I'll make CCP do things this way", etc., etc. doesn't understand the purpose of the CSM and their potential role in it. That said, these are my main opinions and positions:


Live Events:

More live events that provide a mix activities to engage both lore-based and combat/other based playstyles

Better-coordination to ensure flow and success during live events and prevent total failure or sabotage

Avoiding railroading events as much as possible in order to better immerse participants


Bringing OOC knowledge closer to players IC, making RP less disjointed and allowing potential mysteries to be more mysterious

Crafting immersive, believable lore to entwine with changes to the game in order to enhance immersion and flow


Working towards more group PVE opportunities, like the Drifter Hive complexes, for players to work together for greater reward

Adding more opportunities for emergent content, such as NPC Patrols and NPC vs NPC (EvE?) aggression (i.e. Drifters Vs Amarr Navy)

Re-working COSMOS content to be 1: functional and 2: interesting, blending unique gameplay and interesting background

Less specifically, I support increasing possibilities for players to make their EVE experience their own through customization; discussing SKIN price points, adding more options, better "designer" SKINS, and working towards customization, Alliance SKINS and logos appearing on ships, and more unique designs are all things I hope address. In addition, I hope to facilitate better communication and transparency between Players→CSM→CCP, and create a more accessible and effective means of suggesting features and ideas for the game than the forum provides at this time.

I've had an amazing time in EVE thus far, and I hope to continue doing so, while doing all I can to let others do the same. As a highly involved player, IRL Game major and potential CSM member, I plan to help CCP continue to improve EVE and continue building its unique world, while ensuring that it remains the game we all play and love.

Thanks for your consideration: I hope you'll select me to represent you on the CSM
